Rachael Taylor Cast As Hellcat For Jessica Jones Series


Marvel has announced that Rachael Taylor will play Patricia “Trish” Walker in the Netflix Jessica Jones series.

The character, also known as Hellcat in the Marvel comics, is described as: a syndicated radio talk show host, former model and child TV star known to her adoring fans as “Patsy” Walker. As Jessica Jones’ closest friend, Trish helps her embark on the most dangerous case of Jessica’s career.

“The character is a star and a powerhouse, and required an actress who is both,” said Executive Producer/Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg Rosenberg. “Rachael is all that and more!”

“Rachael’s ability to embody a character that must balance both the darker and lighter elements of our series will provide a perfect emotional anchor for Jessica Jones,” added Jeph Loeb, Executive Producer/Marvel’s Head of Television. “Rachael blew us away with her grounded, humanizing take on Trish, adding yet another layer to the complex, emotional story we’re telling with this series.”

Taylor, known for Transformers, Grey’s Anatomy, 666 Park Avenue, Charlie’s Angels and Crisis, joins Krysten Stewart (Jessica Jones), David Tennant (Kilgrave) and Mike Colter (Luke Cage).

Hellcat in the comics has mystical powers and was trained in martial arts by both Captain America and Moondragon.

Jessica Jones premieres on Netflix later this year with 13 episodes available immediately to stream and watch.


After a tragic ending to her short-lived super hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a detective who gets pulled into cases involving people with extraordinary abilities in New York City.

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