Patty Jenkins On Man of Steel 2?


We already know that Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins loves Superman, and now a bit of speculation hits the net that Patty Jenkins could possibly be directing Man of Steel 2.

It’s pointed out by Redditors that in a recent interview, Amy Adams, who plays Lois Lane in the DCEU, says she looks forward to working with Patty Jenkins.

One [director] that I am really looking forward to working with is Patty Jenkins, who just director Wonder Woman. I’m lucky enough to know Gal Gadot, she’s amazing and she speaks very highly of Patty.

While Patty Jenkins previously did state she is happy just doing Wonder Woman, Patty Jenkins also did say she would be open to anything in the DCEU.

After watching Wonder Woman myself, I couldn’t help but think that I was watching a Superman movie, so I think Patty Jenkins would be a great choice to director Man of Steel 2.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that if Amy Adams statement is to mean she is definitely working with Patty Jenkins, that we could see Lois Lane in Wonder Woman 2, which is expected to be announced Saturday at Comic-Con.

Another possibility is that Amy Adams and Patty Jenkins could always work together on a separate project outside of the DCEU.

I wouldn’t mind having Patty Jenkins directing both Man of Steel 2 and Wonder Woman 2.

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