NYCC 2011: In Kirkman We Trust!


Robert Kirkman not only showed CBN’s EIC Matt McGloin and the “DOC” some fun zombie lovin’ but he was a real man of the people. Arriving late due to some car trouble, Kirkman not only told the fans that the seven o’clock cut off would no longer be in effect for tonight, but he also signed everything fans brought. And I mean everything! Fans had stacks and stacks of books that Kirkman joyously signed with his patented silly grin. And he stayed after the lights began to dim on the convention in order to make every fans dream come true.

He is a true pinnacle of the genre and it was a complete honor to meet the great creator. E.I.C. Matt McGloin even got the chance to ask questions about the direction of Invincible, the continuation of Walking Dead and a sly remark about Atom Eve, much to the delight of Kirkman. So when some creators think they have become too big for the little guy, remember there are creators out there that truly care. Thank you Mr. Kirkman for starting this con out with BANG!


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