New X-Files May Film This Summer


About two months ago saw word that Fox is considering bringing back X-Files.

Now it’s being said that an X-Files revival is closer than ever to happening.

The UK’s TV Wise states, according to sources, that it’s hoped filming on the new X-Files can begin this Summer.

Scheduling is apparently said to be an issue as both Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are involved with other projects. The good news is that Anderson isn’t set to start filming the third season of The Fall until the end of the year, and Duchovny won’t be filming this Summer as well, as his new series, Aquarius, launches on NBC in late May.

In addition to Anderson and Duchovny, series creator Chris Carter will be back on board with it said Carter will be directing, writing the scripts and executive producing the new X-Files.

It’s also reported other cast members from the original series will return,, with an offer said to be out to Mitch Pileggi (Skinner).

No specifics are mentioned regarding the plot, but it’s expected the series will aim to close out lingering storylines from the second movie. 

It’s said the new X-Files will be a “short order” series (less than ten episodes) for the scheduling reasons stated above and because Chris Carter apparently told Fox the story requirements don’t require a lengthy season.

It’s speculated Fox may officially announce the new X-Files just ahead of their upfront presentation in New York City this coming May. 

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