‘Cancel Netflix’ Trends Amid Pedophilia ‘Cuties’ Backlash


“Cancel Netflix” is currently trending on Twitter which follows Netflix releasing the pedophilia movie Cuties yesterday on its streaming network.

The #CancelNetflix hashtag currently has over 41k Tweets and a petition has been started on Change.org to “CANCEL Cuties on Netflix!” which has over 126k signatures.

If you are not familiar with the movie, the controversy started when the first trailer and poster were released, which features young girls around the age of 11 years old in questionable poses.

Following the movie’s release on Wednesday, it was realized just how bad the movie is, and honestly, it’s probably illegal based on U.S. pedophilia laws.

Clips from Cuties have hit Twitter depicting the grotesque scenes, with one scene showing the 11-year-old female lead locked in a bathroom arguing with a man whose cell phone she stole where she pulls down her pants and underwear and takes a picture of her vagina and then shares it on what looks to be some sort of social network.

Cuties pedophilia scenes:

Cancel Netflix Cuties pedophila movie

Cuties director defends movie

Cuties is a French film and won an award at the Sundance Film Festival; its director, Maïmouna Doucouré, recently said she was shocked by the backlash and defended the movie. Via the LA Times:

Originally titled “Mignonnes,” the project is partly inspired by Doucouré’s own childhood experiences and aims to “make a big change in this world that hypersexualizes children.” She added that the scrapped promotional materials were “not representative of the film and especially its message.”

“I really put my heart into this film,” she told Deadline. “It’s actually my personal story as well as the story of many children who have to navigate between a liberal Western culture and a conservative culture at home.”

Despite the outrage, Doucouré says she “can’t wait” for the public to see the movie, which launches globally on Netflix Sept. 9.

“Hopefully they will understand that we’re actually on the same side of this battle,” she said.

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