More Big Hollywood Stars To Be Featured In The MCU


Robert Redford in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Michael Douglas in Ant-Man.

Cate Blanchett in Thor: Ragnarok.

Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Michael Keaton in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

And more to come!

Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige let it be known that more Hollywood superstar actors will be appearing in the MCU.

Feige filled in Fandago that: “There are a few that are coming up, actually,. I’ll keep this spoiler-free, but be assured that there are more surprises of that caliber heading into our universe in the next few films.”

Kevin Feige also confirmed the rumors surrounding Al Pacino and said, “Ha, that’s true!” regarding a meeting with Al Pacino, but said there are no current plans for Al Pacino in the MCU.

“No… not in this case,” Feige said. “Someday, someday, but there are others that I’m thinking of right now.”

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