Michael Jai White Teases Black Dynamite 2

Michael Jai White‏ Teases Black Dynamite 2

It looks like that Black Dynamite is back!

Michael Jai White‏ took to Twitter to post the following teaser, which looks to be for Black Dynamite 2.

“Black Is Black,” White tweeted along with the hasthags “#thisisjaigantic” and “#blackisback.” 

When questioned in the comments if, “This is your new movie?” White responded with “#staytuned.”

Black Dynamite was released in 2009 which was written and starred Michael Jai White as the titular character, the greatest African-American action star of the 1970s. When his only brother is killed by The Man it’s up to him to find justice.

Black Dynamite was also made into an animated series on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim and had a short-lived YouTube series with Black Dynamite Model Citizen.

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