MCU Rumors Include Avengers: Endgame, X-Men


A batch of MCU rumors has landed on 4Chan offering what the state of Marvel’s Phase 4 plans going forward might look like with mention of Captain Marvel, The Avengers: Endgame, Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Black Panther 2, Doctor Strange 2, Chris Evans and more.

Worth a mention is that obviously, this is coming from 4Chan, so these could very well be false, but some 4Chan rumors have come true including rumors for Star: Wars: The Last Jedi, Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

MCU Rumors   

  • The first Captain Marvel post-credit scene will set up Avengers: Endgame, with the second teasing Eternals.
  • The Avengers: Endgame may not have a post-credits scene.
  • Post-Avengers: Endgame, there will be no more “phases.” Instead, the MCU will be split into two very distinct categories: street-level and cosmic. Once the Fox deal is finalized, the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom will be the links between the two.
  • The movies won’t always be linear, either. Some will be prequels, like Eternals and Black Widow, and some will be flash-forwards.
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home will kick off the main story arc for the street-level side. The overarching villain will be Norman Osborn. Big storylines will be Dark Avengers, Dark Reign and Siege.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 3 WAS going to set up the cosmic side, but it looks like that’s going to be Eternals now. No word on the big arcs yet, but Adam Warlock will be important and Annihilus will be a recurring villain, similar to Loki.
  • The Skrulls will pop up from time to time, but there are no plans to do Secret Invasion anytime soon.
  • Shang-Chi will be a departure from the usual sci-fi CGI fare. Instead, they’re going to try and make it an homage to the classic kung fu movies of the 60s and 70s.
  • They want Spider-Man to have four movies instead of three, but there is no guarantee it will happen. They do want to build up to some incarnation of Sinister Six, but they want A-list actors like Keaton and Gyllenhaal for pretty much all of them, so it will be easier said than done.
  • Black Panther 2 is having some trouble at the moment because they can’t decide on a villain. Production may be delayed.
  • Doctor Strange 2 could begin filming by late summer or early fall this year.
  • There are no plans to introduce Miles Morales anytime soon. After the success of Spider-Verse, they may re-negotiate with Sony so that they keep him while Marvel gets exclusive rights to Peter Parker.
  • The general trend they’re following seems to be unknown actors for the heroes, A-listers for the villains.
  • As Kevin Feige previously said, they have big plans for Captain Marvel. They’re going to market her the same way the Fox movies marketed Wolverine.
  • They still have no idea what they’re going to do with X-Men or the Netflix characters.
  • For the most part, the Disney+ shows won’t have much effect on the MCU movies.
  • Chris Evans is done with Captain America, but he’s not done with Marvel. Rumor has it that they’re looking at him to direct stuff, most likely some Disney+ episodes (which fits with Joe Russo teasing Evans isn’t done with Marvel). Update: A second rumor offers the same info.

(H/T Reddit)

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