Max Landis Responds To Zack Snyder’s Superman Is Canon In Man Of Steel Claim


Zack Snyder is drawing some heat online regarding his recent statement about his Superman in Man of Steel being comic book canon.

“If you actually read Comics, you know I didn’t change Superman,” Snyder told the Hall Of Justice podcast.

Now big-time Superman fan, Hollywood screenwriter, and writer of the DC Comics Superman: American Alien comic book, Max Landis, takes to Twitter to comment on Snyder’s remarks.

Below you can check out the tweets, which includes mention Snyder’s remark is: “…one of the strangest claims I’ve ever heard a director make: that they did the ‘canon’ version of a multicanon character…”

Regarding Snyder’s comments about keeping the characters in the movies “canon,” we can’t help but ask does the same apply to Doomsday and Aquaman?

Anyway… below you can also check out Landis’ popular “Death and Return of Superman” pitch as well as his Man of Steel reaction video following the tweets.

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