Marvel’s Dan Buckley Talks Movie Influence On Comics: Guardians of the Galaxy


DnA fans, I guess you can blame Marvel Studios for the cancellation of your favorite title as Marvel Comics President of Print Dan Buckley says in an interview that they relaunched the book under Bendis because of the movie.

Via icv2:

The general philosophy is we’re going to try to build some heat around a character 18 months to a year before the movie releases within the comic continuity.  That way we’ll have some fresh trades and collections on the shelves, with high level talent, when the movie releases.  You’ll have some back issues; you’ll have some trades; there’ll be a market.  The books will feel contemporary with the best read and art that we can provide at that time. 

If you go back over the last 10 years, you probably could go through Previews and pick out the #1 that shipped 18 months to two years before the movie came out and track the talent and see what we did there.  Guardians is a great example of it: Brian Bendis and Steve McNiven was last April.

Buckley also believes the new Guardians of the Galaxy is a “fresh product,” and goes on to admit they got caught with their pants down when Thanos showed up in The Avengers movie.

The only time we got caught flat-footed on that was probably Thanos with the Avengers because we didn’t know what the tag was going to be.  They didn’t know what the tag was going to be until very late either.  And that caught everyone kind of flat-footed with the Avengers film.  

And if you are wondering why your favorite comic happens to be more and more like the Marvel Studios film?

In order to help the print business we need to get as many people as possible excited about the content we’re delivering them, and the less confusing it is for them to engage in our product, the more success we’re going to have.

Buckley was also the one who told Bendis to write the new – dubbed by the fans – “Garbage of the Galaxy” series.

Previously, Marvel comics writer Matt Fraction admitted that the movies interferred with his Thor run as well.

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