Marvel TV Developing Female Superhero Series


marvel tv female series abc

It’s learned Marvel TV is developing a female superhero series for ABC.

Deadline reports Marvel Television SVP of Original Programming, Karim Zreik, told the Edinburgh International Television Festival earlier today that Marvel TV “for sure” is looking at “more female-skewed shows” for ABC.

It’s further said the proejct is “Jessica Jones-esque,” which is a reference to the Jessica Jones Marvel TV Netflix series starring Krysten Ritter.

It’s noted Zreik made the comment after crediting DC’s Wonder Woman with helping “younger girls get into comic books,” but Zreik added at the same time part of Marvel TV’s goal is to “target everyone and bring in new fans.”

No specific details are known what the female project may be.

In addtion to Jessica Jones, Marvel TV recently released Defenders on Netflix, has Punisher coming out on Netflix later this year, will have addition Netflix seasons for Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, has Inhumans premiering in IMAX next month prior to debuting on ABC, and has shows for New Warriors and Runways in the works in addition to Cloak and Dagger.   

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is also set to return this Fall for its highly anticipated fifth season.

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