Marvel Rumored To Have Canceled Daredevil


Last week saw the news that the Netflix Daredevil show had been canceled, which follows cancellations for Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

While it was assumed Netflix had given the show the ax, now a rumor lands online that it was actually Marvel.

Collider’s Steven Weintraub posted on Twitter that Daredevil “wasn’t a Netflix cancellation. Marvel did it.”

Weintraub goes on to note he has been sitting on the info, but since he couldn’t verify it, to consider it a rumor for now.

It’s also unknown if the potential Marvel cancellation was done by Marvel TV or by Marvel Studios.

Interestingly enough, the cancellations of Marvel TV at Netflix follow Marvel Studios developing their own TV shows for the upcoming Disney+ streaming service that includes Loki, Scarlet Witch, and Falcon and Winter Soldier.

Marvel TV and Marvel Studios are two separate companies at Disney, and they do not get along.

What is also interesting is that following the cancellations of Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, a Marvel Studios Shang-Chi “Master of Kung Fu” movie has been announced. The Marvel TV Netflix shows are considered “street-level” characters, which Shang-Chi fits into, and now we see Marvel Studios is apparently developing street-level movies for the MCU. Coincidence?

The rumor could be true that Marvel canceled Daredevil, as possibly Feige wants the Netflix shows done while the MCU develops their own take on the street-level Marvel stuff.

Still, another possibility could be that Marvel TV wasn’t happy with Netflix wanting to cut down the number of episodes, but I don’t see why that would be a huge problem if it means Daredevil and the rest of the shows get to remain.

I’ve been stating it for a while, and maybe I’m right, but just maybe all of Marvel is going to be under Kevin Feige. It really doesn’t make too much sense (and $ cents) for Marvel to be so divided at Disney. Feige is doing a great job with the MCU movies, but the same can’t be said for Marvel TV or Marvel Comics, so maybe Disney realizes this and is slowly moving Marvel under one house at the mouse.  

Netflix will release the next seasons of Punisher and Jessica Jones, but it is expected they will get canceled and Marvel on Netflix will be completely done for.

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