Mads Mikkelsen Revealed To Be Doctor Strange Movie Villain


Following the the first look at Bendict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, as well as details on Rachel McAdams’ character, now it’s been revealed that Mad Mikkelsen is playing the big bad of the movie.

While the character hasn’t been specifically named, Doctor Strange executive producer Stephen Strange and Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige told the following:

Stephen Broussard:

Mads is playing our main villain.

I’ve seen lots of names thrown around. No one has quite picked the name that we’ve chosen for him. It would be fun to conceal that, if we can.

Kevin Feige:

“We will take audiences through sort of a guide to the multiverse, other dimensions, and there are amazing things out there — wonders that are going to be hopefully visually extremely interesting and unique to this movie. But there are also very scary things in these other dimensions. (The article notes Feige said it is the “job of sorcerers like Strange and The Ancient One, played by Tilda Swinton, to protect humanity from such ‘scary things.’”

Mads’ character is a sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect. [He] believes that the Ancient One is just protecting her own power base and that the world may be better off if we were to allow some of these other things through.

“Doctor Strange” has a November 4, 2016 release directed by Scott Derrickson.


“Doctor Strange” follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.

“Doctor Strange” is the latest film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3’s goal—over the course of four years and nine films—is to introduce audiences to new heroes and continue the adventures of fan favorites.

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