Lord of the Rings Anime Bombs Big Time At Box Office, Worse Than Kraven

Lord of the Rings Anime Bombs Big Time At Box Office, Worse Than Kraven

It’s not a good weekend for the fanboys as both The Lord of the Rings anime and Kraven the Hunter are massively bombing at the box office. It’s win for the girls as both Wicked and Moana 2 are taking things by storm.

The boys can’t be blamed for not showing up as they can only deal with the plate that’s given, which is pure garbage. Both The Lord of the Rings anime and Kraven the Hunter reportedly aren’t good movies (I have yet to see them).

Well, the boys are fed up with garbage.

What is the The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim box office?

The box office estimates were once as high as $15 million (if you want to call that high), but now estimates are offering a huge drop of over 66%, with a current estimated box office of only $5 million.

Sunday Update: Box office is reported to be only $4.6M:

  • Domestic (44.7%): $4,600,000
  • International (55.3%): $5,700,000
  • Worldwide: $10,300,000

I go over Kraven ‘s number’s here, which is seeing a similar drop, from around $20-25M for early estimates, to now possibly as low as $10M.

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Why did they make the movie?

Worth mentioning why The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim anime is so bad is the only reason they really made the movie is to keep the rights. The last movie was put out ten years ago, so in order to keep the rights to Lord of the Rings, WB needs to put out a new movie every certain amount of years. So WB decided to go the el cheapo route (reported $30M budget) and quickly whip up and release an animated “film.”

It’s also from a previous executive team that is no longer a part of Warner Bros. who existed before Warner Bros. Discovery.

What are the reactions to The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim anime?

The Rotten Tomatoes Score from critics is at 51%, while the fan score is at 83% (keep in mind that the score only comes from those who purchased tickets through the Fandango app, not those who used another app, bought walk-up tickets, or even if you bought tickets for your friends and family through Fandango, they don’t count, either).

At least the fan score is better than the Rings of Power TV series but that’s not saying much (49%). The score is also better than the last Hobbit film (74%) but according to Nerdrotic, “Battle of the Five Armies is Fellowship of the Ring compared to War of the RoHERrim.” The YouTuber also adds on X, “One Girl Boss to rule them all” and “Lord of the Rings Commits Mary Sue-icide.”

The score also comes nowhere near Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, both at 95%. Return of the Kings has an 86% fan score. Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis are developing new live-action films. Let’s hope they do a better job.

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