Lobo Movie On The Back Burner But Still May Happen


Obviously with Dwayne Johnson getting cast as Black Adam in the upcoming Shazam movie, the Lobo movie was placed on the back burner.

Lobo wasn’t a part of the recently announced slate of DC movies; however, that doesn’t necessarily mean Lobo may never happen.

Director Brad Peyton gave Coming Soon an update about Lobo offering that similar to Marvel (which makes sense), WB is going to focus on the core Justice League characters before branching out.

“I was really happy with the script, [though]. I talked with Dwayne about it. Joel Silver and I had a really amazing meeting about it. I did a rewrite of the script and was really, really excited for it. In their estimation, though, [Lobo] wasn’t one of those main guys… That’s fair enough. I think that, to do any kind of comic book universe correctly, you do need to establish, ‘Here’s the tone. Here’s the main people.’ Then we can grow offshoots from there. With Marvel, they’re now doing smaller characters like ‘Ant-Man’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. They obviously had to start, though, with their big guns and set up ‘The Avengers’. I kind of feel like that’s where DC is now. They’re setting that team up.”

While Lobo may not be considered a “main guy,” it’s possible the Main Man could always show up in another DC movie – possibly Green Lantern or even Superman, as Lobo in the comics is an intergalactic bounty hunter. We see Brad Peyton is pretty optimistic about the chances for Lobo as well.

“I think there’s going to be a really amazing time for ‘Lobo’ and I think people are going to realize, certainly once they revisit it, what they’re sitting on. But you never know. I’m really happy with the project and where we got it and fingers crossed it comes to fruition at some point.”

There has also been rumor of a DC Legion of Super Heroes movie, so the potential for DC Cosmic other than Green Lantern exists.

Brad Peyton reteams with Dwayne Johnson in San Andreas, which is out May 29th; maybe they will be paired up for Shazam in 2019.

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