No Kevin Feige For Star Wars

No Kevin Feige For Star Wars

With Star Wars at Disney in trouble it has been rumored that LucasFilm president Kathleen Kenney may get fired, with Disney CEO Bob Iger looking for a replacement.

So who better to replace Kathleen Kennedy than Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, a life-long Star Wars fan who even included Empire Strikes Back Easter Eggs in his movies.

Earlier this month it was rumored by Deadline that Kevin Feige might be up to head LucasFilm and Star Wars for Disney, but the rumor was said to be “roundly denied.”

Just yesterday also saw me report on another rumor that Bob Iger had included the heads of Marvel and Pixar in a meeting on how to fix their Star Wars franchise.

Star Wars

So is Kevin Feige leaving Marvel for Star Wars?

Slash Film caught up with Feige at the press junket for Ant-Man and the Wasp and asked if he will be involved in Star Wars. Feige’s response:

“No. Only in my backyard with my action figures.”

There you have it, and you Marvel fans can rest easy, as can the Star Wars fans worried about Feige inserting “Marvel” jokes into Star Wars (which Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy attempted to do in The Last Jedi and failed miserably at). 

Honestly, I wasn’t worried about Feige being a bad choice as I figure he has enough sense to keep Star Wars from becoming “Marvel” movies as he is a pretty big fan himself. Then again, look what he did with Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok, right?

On a related note, anyone else think Beckett’s crew from Solo was like the Guardians (Becket/Han/Star-Lord, Gamora/Val, Rocket/Rio Duran, Groot/Chewbacca), lol?

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