‘Justice League Dark’ Concept Art: Swamp Thing, Spectre, Dead Man, More


Concept art is revealed for the defunct Justice League Dark movie featuring Swamp Thing, Etrigan The Demon, Spectre, Dead Man, John Constantine, and Klarion.

The movie was going to be a part of a “Dark Universe” brand and had director Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity, Edge of Tomorrow) attached.

“DARK UNIVERSE concept art done years ago while Doug Liman was attached to direct,” posted concept artist Lee Bermejo on Instagram. “It was a pleasure to explore some of my favorite characters in a different format. I did quite a bit of work on Etrigan and his transformation as well as some Spectre and Deadman concepts. The project is long dead but I cannot wait to see what Bad Robot has in store for this corner of the DCU. #darkuniverse #deadman #etrigan #spectre #constantine #justiceleaguedark #conceptart #moviemagicstartshere.”

As noted, J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot are now developing a Justice League Dark series for the AT&T and WarnerMedia HBO Max streaming service, where back in April, it was announced: “The third will be a major series based on DC characters in the ‘Justice League Dark’ Universe, details to be revealed soon.”

Check out the art below.

Justice League Dark Swamp Thing Concept art

Justice League Dark Swamp Thing concept art

Concept artist Houston Sharp also posted Swamp Thing concept art as well as R-rated art featuring Constantine and Klarion.

“SWAMP THING. An old concept I did for Doug Liman’s cancelled Justice League Dark movie. Doug had the idea of Swamp Thing being a spirit of the swamp, coming into form when a group of arsonists set the plants ablaze,” said Sharp. “This particular design was a collaboration between myself and @david_masson_sg . Too bad the film got canned, it was a lot of fun to work on! More JLD concepts incoming, stay tuned!”

A second post saw Houston add: “Another early design for Swamp Thing for Doug Liman’s cancelled Justice League Dark film.”

Justice League Dark concept art:

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