Joss Whedon Booted From Batgirl: PC Hollywood To Blame

Joss Whedon Booted From Batgirl: PC Hollywood To Blame

And the changes continue for what was once known as the DCEU–as now it’s learned that Joss Whedon has exited the Batgirl movie.

Joss Whedon came on board the Justice League movie to do rewrites and then was added as director when Zack Snyder stepped away. Whedon was also developing a Batgirl movie which he was going to write, direct and produce which would have featured Barbara Gordon.

Whedon informed THR in a statement that he is no longer on Batgirl:

“Batgirl is such an exciting project, and Warners/DC such collaborative and supportive partners, that it took me months to realize I really didn’t have a story,” Whedon said. “I’m grateful to Geoff [Johns] and Toby [Emmerich] and everyone who was so welcoming when I arrived, and so understanding when I…uh, is there a sexier word for ‘failed?'”

The report goes on to mention that sources say Whedon “could not crack the code of what a Batgirl movie should be” and even added that in today’s PC-environment “a male filmmaker may have faced greater public scrutiny if he were to have tackled a movie with such feminist importance such as Batgirl or Wonder Woman, much like a white filmmaker would have seen backlash taking on the Black Panther movie.”

Joss Whedon is actually known for developing strong female characters like Buffy, but recently also saw himself being accused of infidelity and of being a hypocrite by his ex-wife

Whedon also took heat for his portrayal of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Justice League (too many “behind” shots).

If you follow Whedon on Twitter, it’s rather ironic that he was booted off Batgirl by the liberal PC Hollywood club, eh? 

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