Josh Trank Fired From Star Wars Because Of Fantastic Four Problems


Disney just announced that Josh Trank had left Star Wars, and now details as to the possible reasoning behind the departure are becoming known.

THR is now stating that Trank was fired from Star Wars due to problems on the set of Fox’s Fantastic Four movie.

Actually, word first surfaced about problems with Trank’s behavior while filming Fantastic Four months ago as anonymous posts on the message boards surfaced in November 2014 that mirror THR’s own report.

One anonymous poster even stated Trank would not be doing the spinoff (or any other movies for that matter):

Trank did so much damage to the house that Jim Gianopulos came to Baton Rouge and personally apologized to the owners. Trust me, Trank’s career is done. There will be no major study sequels or spin offs for him. He’ll be lucky to get the sequel to a Stabbing at Leia’s 21st Birthday.

Another post reads:

After the crap Trank pulled in Baton Rouge, i doubt he ever directs a studio picture again. He will certainly never work for Fox. At this point that F4 reboot might never get released.


A buddy of mine was on the crew. Trank showed up to set late or so high he couldn’t speak almost everyday. Some days he didn’t show up at all. He treated crew terribly. He trashed the house the production company rented for him. From what I’m told he did a couple hundred grand worth of damage.

Another post says that Trank was fired following filming:

Also heard he was fired after wrapping and other are working on it post production.

Note: The THR reports states “producers Simon Kinber and Hutch Parker had to step in to help pull the film together” and “given the issues with Trank’s performance, the production added Stephen Rivkin to help pull the film together.”

The TigerDroppings message board also stated major reshoots were taking place in LA:

I am working with some of the crew on another movie down here. They were told FF is reshooting the entire third act in LA because of how bad it came out.

THR seems to downplay the reshoots as well as the damage to the house. THR states “small dogs” were responsible for $100,000 in damage to the house, and regarding the reshoots, THR says the actors only re-filmed on weekends due to other commitments, and that the most recently reshoots took place at the end of April. Kinberg actually had to leave recent filming on X-Men: Apocalypse to help finish Fantastic Four.

THR’s report does offer the following regarding Trank’s issues:

…sources say reports of the young director’s unusual conduct during the making of Fox’s upcoming Fantastic Four movie had raised alarm among Lucasfilm executives that were entrusting him with the second Star Wars standalone film.

…behavior described by one insider as “erratic” and at times “very isolated.” Trank did not offer clear direction, this person adds, saying, “If you’ve got someone who can’t answer questions or who isn’t sure or is in hiding, that’s not good.”

…A Fox spokesman says the studio is “very happy with the movie and we can’t wait for audiences to see it” but acknowledges, “There were definitely some bumps in the road.”

…Trank seemed “like one of these kids who comes to the NBA with all the talent and none of the character-based skills to handle it. There’s equipment he doesn’t yet have.”

…According to sources, Trank was sometimes indecisive and uncommunicative.

THR also says Simon Kinberg, who wrote/produced Fantastic Four and produces Star Wars, is the one to have communicated his displeasure with Trank straight to LucasFilm’s Kathleen Kennedy. As the Disney exes heard more about the problems, it’s said “they became less confident in handing over the film to him.”

The Star Wars spinoff is slated for a May 2018 release; “Fantastic Four” hits this August.

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