Jaws Getting 40th Anniversary Theatrical Re-Release


A visit to the beach just hasn’t been the same since June 20, 1975 when audiences were first terrified by the Steven Spielberg classic, Jaws.

Now for the 40th anniversary of the movie, Jaws will be re-released in select theaters on Sunday, June 21st, with Turner Classic Movies and Universal Pictures presenting special screenings in nearly 500 theaters around the country.

“Jaws is a classic thriller enjoyed by generations and it is ready for a comeback,” said Fathom Events vice president of programming Kymberli Frueh-Owens. “Movie buffs will love seeing their favorite killer shark larger than life on the big screen. No risk of shark bite!”

Check your favorite online ticket retailer for times and to purchase tickets.


It’s a hot summer on Amity Island, a small community whose main business is its beaches. When new Sheriff Martin Brody discovers the remains of a shark attack victim, his first inclination is to close the beaches to swimmers. This doesn’t sit well with Mayor Larry Vaughn and several of the local businessmen. Brody backs down to his regret as that weekend a young boy is killed by the predator. The dead boy’s mother puts out a bounty on the shark and Amity is soon swamped with amateur hunters and fisherman hoping to cash in on the reward. A local fisherman with much experience hunting sharks, Quint, offers to hunt down the creature for a hefty fee. Soon Quint, Brody and Matt Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute are at sea hunting the Great White shark. As Brody succinctly surmises after their first encounter with the creature, they’re going to need a bigger boat. 

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