Jared Leto Joker ‘Justice League’ First Look


Have a first look at Jared Leto as the Joker in the upcoming release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie coming to HBO Max.

We see the look of Joker is indeed road-weary just like Zack Snyder described in an earlier interview.

Jared Leto’s Joker sports long hair, which we can guess might be colored green, and we also see Joker is minus the tattoos from the Suicide Squad movie for some reason and is wearing a hospital gown and surgical mask.

A new interview with Zack Snyder at Vanity Fair reveals the Leto Joker wasn’t originally a part of Snyder’s Justice League, and that Zack had plans to eventually have Joker meet the Ben Affleck Batman later down the road, but since that isn’t going to happen, Zack decided to film additional scenes with Leto and add Joker to Justice League.

“The Joker is really the only thing that I thought of in retrospect,” Snyder said. “But I will say that it was always my intention to bring Joker into that world.”

The interview at Variety also spoils the Joker scene in Justice League, so be careful if you don’t want to know everything, as Snyder reveals the Joker scene involves Batman and Robin.

“The scene explains why Bruce had the Joker card taped to his gun that you see in Batman v Superman,” explained Snyder. “I’d always wanted to explore the death of Robin. And if there ever was going to be a next movie, which, of course, there probably won’t be, I wanted to do a thing where in flashbacks we learn how Robin died, how Joker killed him and burned down Wayne Manor, and that whole thing that happened between he and Bruce.”

Snyder says the plan was to show “how they became like this … how he hurt him in a way that no one has, really. Other than losing his parents, it was probably the most significant personal injury to his life.”

A recent interview also saw Leto praise Zack.

“I think the core of it is passion. So the reason Zack is doing what he is doing now is because of the passion of the fans,” said Leto. “When there is passion sometimes you have a little conflict, sometimes things can be polarizing but I love the passion and I think the world of Zack and I think he is just an incredible filmmaker and I am so happy that he gets the chance to tell the story in the way that he wants to tell it. There’s more time to tell it, and I think that’s really great, and I just think the world of him and what he is doing.”

Zack Snyder’s Justice League gets released March 18 on HBO Max.

Jared Leto Joker in Zack Snyder’s Justice League:

Jared Leto Joker Justice League

Jared Leto Joker Justice League

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