Helldivers 2: Democracy Space Station Now Accessible

Helldivers 2: Democracy Space Station Now Accessible

The Helldivers 2 Democracy Space Station is now online and operational. Helldivers can now access the space station by pressing the touch pad while in the Galactic Map. A new Major Order has also been announced.

helldivers 2 democray space station blueprints
Democracy Space Station previously released blueprints

Democracy Space Station

“The DSS will be a powerful strategic tool for reshaping the Galactic Map — democratically directed by the Helldivers themselves,” Arrowhead previously announced.

While the Democracy Space Station initally offered planetary bombardments, Helldivers can now fund the space station for tactical actions and vote where it should be located.

The details include the Democracy Space Station moves every four hours. It’s presently located in the Orion Section above planet Heeth in the Terminid Zone.

Accessing the Democracy Space Station menu via the touch pad enables the Summary, the Actions, and the Locations options and sub-menus.

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Democracy Space Station ‘Summary’ section screenshot


The Summary section reveals a look at the Democracy Space Station, it’s current location, the time until it moves, and the current actions and the percent funded.

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Democracy Space Station ‘Actions’ section screenshot


Actions is where Helldivers can fund the Democracy Space Station which includes the Eagle Storm, an Orbital Blockade, and a VY Ordinance Distribution. Presently, all three are around 20% funded.

THE EAGLE STORM – funded by Science Samples (green)
DSS crews maintain deployment of a 24-hour rotating fleet of Eagle Fighters from the massive three-tiered Convocation Bay, supporting all Helldiver operations on the planet with close air support and halting enemy offensives for a short time.
Deploys periodic Eagle Airstrikes during missions. Slows enemy progress in Defense Campaigns.

ORBITAL BLOCKADE – funded by Republic Points (yellow)
The DSS activates its Zero G Anti-Ship Missile System, targeting all large enemy spacecraft attempting to exit the planet’s atmosphere. In addition, diverts excess manpower to Super Destroyer logistical support.
Defense Campaigns cannot originate from this planet. The HELLPOD SPACE OPTIMIZATION Booster is automatically active for all missions.

HEAVY ORDNANCE DISTRIBUTION – funded by Freedom Vouchers (orange)
The DSS Logistics Armada supplies all Super Destroyers orbiting the planet with surplus 380mm shells. Ordnance support is also provided to SEAF operations, accelerating liberation efforts.
Gives access to the Orbital 380mm HE Barrage stratagem during missions. Accelerates progress in Liberation Campaigns.

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Democracy Space Station ‘Location’ section screenshot


Location shows the various sectors and planets located on the Galactic Map. Helldivers can vote where the want the space station moved.

New Major Order

In addition to the Democracy Space Station now being available, a new Major Order has been announced by Super Earth high command:

MAJOR ORDER: After having stemmed the worst of the Terminid tide emanating from the gloom, clean up procedures are now on-going and the numerous planets saved from the fascist bugs all celebrate the bravery of our Helldivers. And while the Helldivers were fighting, Ministry of Defense engineers have completed their repairs of the DSS, as well as implemented a number of operational adjustments. Expectations are that the Helldivers will utilize the power of the newly-repaired DSS to repel the Illuminate assaults on Freedom that have continued unabated. The tide was turned versus the bugs, now it’s time to do the same against the illuminate.

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