Walking Dead’s Greg Nicotero Joins Spawn Movie

Walking Dead's Greg Nicotero Joins Spawn Movie

The Spawn movie is currently in development from creator, writer and director Todd McFarlane, with it officially announced the film has The Walking Dead‘s Greg Nicotero on board for the visual effects.

“SPAWN MOVIE NEWS IS HERE!” Todd McFarlane posted on Facebook. “It’s been 21 years since the FIRST Spawn movie (almost to the date) and I get to share some EXCITING news with you. The GREAT Greg Nicotero and I are collaborating on the upcoming Spawn Movie! Not only is Greg one of the LEADERS in special effect make-up on shows like The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead, BUT he’s also DIRECTED over 20 episodes of Walking Dead.”

McFarlane continued: “Greg and I worked together on the FIRST movie when he designed the original Spawn costume…since then, we’ve both gained 20 MORE years of experience and have both evolved as artists. So for those of you wondering – Greg will be in charge of the NEW Spawn ‘costume.’ And no, it’s not going to look ANYTHING like the first movie.

“I’m excited to make some more MOVIE MAGIC together with Greg, again… but THIS TIME I get to do the DIRECTING!” McFarlane said.

“I’m a long-time fan of Greg’s work and the projects his company, KNB, have done throughout the years,” McFarlane added in a statement “Working with him once again, to re-invent the Spawn ‘look’ so it will match the supernatural theme in the movie, is going to be a fun process.”

News of Greg Nicotero involved with Spawn actually first became known last month with the production info that possibly teased the villains.

For reference, here is the first Spawn costume from back in 1997:



Spawn doesn’t currently have a release date, but it’s thought to be released in 2019, with Todd McFarlane writing and directing, Blumhouse producing, and the movie stars Jamie Foxx as the titular character and The Avengers Jeremy Renner plays Detective Twitch Williams.

Todd McFarlane also previously offered Spawn will be an R-rated movie, but unlike Logan and Deadpool, which he considers PG-13. 

“It’s funny in Hollywood, if you say you want to do an R-rated movie, they go like ‘Oh like Deadpool or Logan?’ For me, no,” Todd McFarlane previously said. “To me, Deadpool was the PG-13 action movie, it just had some naked butts and a couple of f-bombs. Other than that, I thought it was the same PG-13 formula. When I’m talking R, I’m talking that there wouldn’t be a lot of fun, there won’t be any stupid lines in it. I never like my hero to make a joke right when the jeopardy was at its highest. If I felt that my hero wasn’t afraid right now, why should I be? I want my heroes to go ‘Sh-t, where do I go now?’

McFarlane continued: “Here’s what I do know. It should be impossible for anybody to go to the movie and say ‘I’m disappointed, I thought it was a superhero movie. Because there’s this thing called the internet and TV, and you’ll see the trailer, and there will be nothing in the trailer that will say that this is a superhero movie. It’s just going to be a dark, nasty R-rated, scary, creepy, messed up movie. Now why? If you were a ten-year-old and you bought Spawn #1, it’s 25 years later and you’re 35. You’re an adult, and I just think my audience has grown up with me.”

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