Filming Begins On Shazam!

Filming Begins On Shazam!

The Shazam! movie is officially underway as director David F. Sandberg took to social media to announce the news.

“Let’s go!” Sandberg posted on Instagram along with a clapper board for Shazam!

Shazam! is currently filming in Toronto; just 18 hours ago saw Zachary Levi post that he was attending a Toronto Raptors vs. Lakers game.

“A @lakers fan in Toronto can be a lonely, but passionate, existence. #GoLakers,” Levi said.

 Levi also previously compared Shazam! to Superman meets Big.

“I can’t tell you much, as you can probably imagine, but what I can say is I am just out of my mind excited!” Zachary Levi said. “I get to do my version of Big, basically. It’s like Superman meets Big, and that’s just so fun. I get to be a superhero that’s excited about being a superhero, and I think that’s refreshing. It’s not glum, and like, ‘Oh, I have to save the world again.’ So I think it’s all really gravy.”

Shazam villain Mark Strong

The villain of the Shazam! movie will be played by Mark Strong.

“I’m playing an evil bastard called Doctor Sivana, they are always the best characters to play, the most fun.” Mark Strong recently said. “I was Sinestro in Green Lantern, which I though was a rather good film, but it didn’t do what they wanted. So I feel like I’ve got unfinished business in the DC world. I played a pretty evil character in that, and he was meant to get even worse in the second one but that never happened, but I think I’m going to get the chance to do that in Shazam!, I hope so. It’s a funny film, it’s about a young boy who can become a superhero but still remains a young boy so there’s elements of Big, there’s elements of Stranger Things. I think originally the comic outsold Superman in the 1940s, I’ve been training like a mad man, I’m about to go over and see the stunt guys, I’ve been trying all of these harnesses on, and I think I’m going to be doing lots of flying around and firing electricity out of my hands.”

Shazam! has an April 5, 2019 release starring Zachary Levi as the titular character, Asher Angel as Billy Batson, Jack Dylan Grazer as Freddy Freeman, Ian Chen as Eugene, Jovan Armand as Pedro, with Cooper Andrews, and Mark Strong is playing the villain, Dr. Sivana.

(note: pictured is fan art)

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