The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 4/3/2013



The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1.  Harbinger Wars #1 (Valiant): For the past few months, everything in the Bloodshot and Harbinger books has been leading up to this! Fan fave, Clayton Crain (X-Force) has graced Valiant fans with some interior art work for this massive crossover but that’s just icing on the cake! This tale will see Bloodshot and his group of psiot children merge with Peter Stancheck’s “Renegades” in order to take down the Valiant Universe’s biggest threat — Toyo Harada. But, Harada hasn’t come alone. He has called upon his own team of psiots to destroy all those who oppose him with only one winner becoming triumphant — the reader!



2.  Polarity #1 (Boom Studios): From the mind of Max Bemis, frontman for the band SAY ANYTHING, comes this engrossing tale of Timothy Woods trying to deal with his bipolar disorder. That may seem hard enough but when his medication runs low, Timothy finds that it didn’t just keep his mind in check, it also repressed his super powers! A trip-tastic look into the world of sex, drugs and super powers that will blow your mind! Plus, each issue comes with a free download of an original song from Max Bemis!



3. Swamp Thing #19 (DC):  Scott Snyder may have decided to leave this amazing book in order to pursue the Man of Steel, but that doesn’t mean all is lost. In fact, Charles Soule does an amazing job ushering in a new perspective to Swamp Thing and brings some heavy hitting “guest stars” to make Alec Holland’s world miserable. First up is the Scarecrow in all his twisted demeanor, the second?…Superman! I guess Snyder didn’t have to leave in order to write Supes after all!



4.  Abe Sapien:Dark and Terrible #1(of 3) (Dark Horse): Mike Mignola and Scott Allie put there heads together for Abe’s first “in continuity” solo mission. Abe has been sidelined for quite sometime, you know, since his death and all! But, nothing can keep this B.P.R.D. agent down for long, especially since his physical transformation. Can Abe still be trusted to uphold the best interests of mankind in the coming wake of destruction? Considering one of his own already tried to kill him once, I’m betting no!



5.  Earth 2 #11 (DC):  James Robinson’s vision for new takes on the classic JSA characters continues to excite readers every month! This week is know different with not only the introduction of Dr. Fate to the New 52 Universe, but Mister Miracle and Big Barda as well! Robinson knows how to tell fantastic stories that will leave you with a sense of wonderment!



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