Deadpool 3: Karl Urban Rumored As Wolverine

Deadpool 3: Karl Urban Rumored As Wolverine

It’s claimed that Deadpool 3 will feature all kinds of Variants of Wolverine, with it now rumored Karl Urban will be suiting up as a version of the character.

Deadpool 3 is said to be about Wade Wilson breaking the Marvel Fox Universe, so if that is indeed the case, fans should expect lots of Multiversal shenanigans.

According to Giant Freakin Robot, since Karl Urban happens to be one of the most fan-cast actors to play Wolverine, it’s thought that is why Kevin Feige is including the actor in Deadpool 3, which is similar to what Feige did with John Krasinski as Reed Richards in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

As noted, that could mean other fan favorite actors could also show up as Wolverine including Taron Egerton, Daniel Radcliffe, Henry Cavill, and/or Tom Hardy.

Lots of cameos rumored for Deadpool 3

It has also been suggested the cast of Deadpool 3 could also include Wesley Snipes as Blade, Jennifer Garner as Elektra, Patrick Stewart as Professor X, Ian McKellen as Magneto, Halle Berry back as Storm who seems to be teasing the character, Ben Affleck as Daredevil, and Channing Tatum as Gambit.

A recent rumor also offered the flick would see Taylor Swift as Dazzler, but scoopers claim that rumor isn’t true along with Taron Egerton as Wolverine and Dafnee Keen as X-23, so we’ll have to wait to see what cameos are included.

Worth a mention is that lots of cameos were also rumored for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but only the Illuminati were thrown in at the last minute, as reportedly, Kevin Feige wants to save all the big cameos for Avengers: Secret Wars.

We can guess what is going on with Deadpool 3 is that Feige might be allowing them to use Variants of the Fox Marvel characters who won’t be appearing in Secret Wars or continuing on in the MCU.

It has also been said Owen Wilson from the Loki MCU Disney+ shows is hot on the heels of Wade Wilson as Deadpool travels (and messes up) the Multiverse, so there we see connections to use of any potential Variants, as Loki is all about Variants.

Deadpool 3 gets released on May 3, 2024, directed by Shawn Levy starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.

Watch Karl Urban as Wolverine:

Karl Urban is Wolverine Trailer [Deepfake]

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