Daredevil: Charlie Cox Possibly Filming ‘Spider-Man’ Scenes; Drops Out Of Comic Convention


It’s speculated Charlie Cox may be filming scenes involving Daredevil as the actor had to drop out of a comic convention at the last minute.

San Antonio’s Celebrity Fan Fest tweeted that Charlie Cox was supposed to appear at the convention, but due to a last-minute filming schedule change couldn’t make the convention.

“GOOD NEWS and some SAD NEWS! THE GOOD NEWS: Tomorrow (Wednesday 7/21) we will make a NEW GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT for Saturday August 7th and Sunday August 8th. This is a very positive announcement and we think fans will be very excited about this new guest being added to #CFF2021,” tweeted the Celebrity Fan Fest Twitter. “THE SAD NEWS: Unfortunately, due to last-minute filming schedule changes, Charlie Cox will no longer join us for #CelebrityFanFest. But don’t worry, if you sent in an item to SWAU for an autograph or still want to, he’s graciously agreed to make sure everything gets signed.”

Dardevil Charlie Cox

Charlie Cox filming Daredevil for Spider-Man or She-Hulk?

It’s guessed that Charlie Cox is filming Daredevil scenes as part of reshoots involving Spider-Man: No Way Home as rumors offer Charlie Cox is going to appear as Matt Murdock, so it could be possible the last minute filming changes involve adding Daredevil to the Spidey movie where it’s said a new costume will debut for the MCU.

What is pretty interesting is that according to the IMDb account for Charlie Cox, he has no active projects in the works, so the information from the Celebrity Fan Fest tweet at least reveals that the actor may be involved with some sort of secret project, again guessed to involve Daredevil.

It is also rumored that Charlie Cox will appear as Daredevil in the Marvel She-Hulk series, but since the tweet says there has been a last-minute filming change, it seems to be more about the Spider-Man: No Way Home reshoots as Charlie Cox would already be scheduled for She-Hulk if that was the case and wouldn’t be considered last-minute.

It’s also rumored the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer is due to drop, so who knows? Maybe Charlie is involved with that as well?

Spider-Man: No Way Home gets released December 17, 2021 directed by Jon Watts and stars Tom Holland.

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