Crash Ryan Movie Being Developed


Back in the 1980s, Marvel Comics published creator-owned comics through the Epic Comics brand, and now it’s learned a Crash Ryan movie is in development.

Variety reports David Cowper, who recently co-wrote an adaptation of Road Dawgs with S.E. Hinton for Tim Zinnemann, has been tapped to co-write Crash Ryan with Heppe

The series creator, Ron Harris, also published a four-part Crash Ryan story for Dark Horse Comics and offered: “Crash Ryan is the product of a mishmash of influences: my childhood spent on Navy air bases; the old flying movies and Masked Villain serials I loved on late night TV, and especially my fascination with predictions of future life made in the 1930s.”

Crash Ryan takes place in an alternate version of the year 1935 in a world of super airplanes and giant flying airports. Crash Ryan is a pilot caught up in the battle between the heroic United Airmen and the forces of evil, led by a masked world conqueror who calls himself “the Doom.”

It’s reported Heppe and Harris have written a 50-page outline,“Crash Ryan and the Eyes of Lemuria,” which reinvents the story as an earthbound, steampunk-inspired fusion of Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

“It’s an incredible canvas, but what attracted me was the redemption story: a man who can’t save himself being tasked with saving the world,” Heppe said.

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