Costume Designer Jose Fernandez Talks Batman Suit


Check out video below of special effects make-up and costume designer Jose Fernandez, founder of Ironhead Studio, talking about creating the Ben Affleck Batman suit for Batman vs. Superman.

Jose Fernandez said the suit took eight months to create and that it was a really involved process. They started with the idea of going with an old-school visceral style, and then went and digitally scanned Ben Affleck.

Jose Fernandez is known for a plethora of work including creating Black Panther’s costume, Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman costume, the Amazing Spider-Man movies, and Jose Fernandez even created an unused Apocalypse costume for X-Men: Apocalypse that looked exactly like the comic book version.

Watch the video for more with Jose Fernandez also talking the Goosebumps movie costumes and Conan O’Brien’s superhero costume:

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