Cosplayers Suiting Up At Warner Bros. To Support Justice League Zack Snyder Cut

Cosplayers Suiting Up At Warner Bros. To Support Justice League Zack Snyder Cut

Zack Snyder fans are assembling tomorrow at Warner Bros. to bring attention to the desire for the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie cut.

YouTuber Itzmoe on YouTube posted a video (watch below) letting it be known that a group of cosplayers are going to get together dressed in Zack Snyder gear to take a picture at Warner Bros. in Burbank, California on Saturday, January 6th at 11am (PST).

 A Facebook group has been set up where fans can check in:

Join me (ITZMOE on YouTube) and other Snyder fans as we take a photo in front of Warner Bros. with a #ReleaseTheSnyderCut sign while wearing our Zack Snyder shirts/ DC shirts, & costumes to (peacefully) show our support for the release of a Snyder cut of Justice League! After we take the photo, we will all share it on ALL of our social media so hopefully it will spread and get it to Zack himself so he can see it, like he saw the “Thank You Zack Snyder” video I made!

As of now, about 66 fans plan on attending with another near 200 interested. Hopefully the info gets out and more fans attend. It’s great to see the fans supporting Zack Snyder. 

Zack Snyder decided to step down from directing Justice League due to a family tragedy, but he did finish filming the movie. Snyder brought Joss Whedon on board to due rewrites, so Whedon took over directorial duties as well and conducted a lot of reshoots.

The theatrical release of Justice League was more Joss Whedon’s vision than it was Zack Snyder’s, so fans want to see the original Snyder version.

Kevin Smith is even on board getting a Zack Snyder Justice League version released and said even if WB released an unfinished cut or simply just the storyboards that the fans would gobble it up. I agree.

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