Norman Reedus Says F’ Yeah To Playing Marvel’s Ghost Rider


Not only does Norman Reedus look bad a– riding his motorcycle on The Walking Dead, but Reedus is also starring in a new AMC series, Ride With Me, which sees Reedus exploring motorcycle culture.

So who better than Norman Reedus to play Ghost Rider as the rights to the character have recently returned to Marvel.

“Hell yeah. It would be a blast,” Reedus said about potentially playing Marvel’s Spirit of Vengeance. “Do I get a skull face that’s on fire and all that stuff? F–k yeah. I’m down.”

Nicholas Cage played Ghost Rider in two movies for Sony, with UpRoxx noting Reedus is a fan.

I’ve always been a fan of the Dan Ketch version myself, hopefully, with Doctor Strange launching the supernatural side of Marvel, Ghost Rider will ride once again.

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