Matt Damon Would Play A Ben Affleck-Directed Super Hero


As Matt Damon happens to be best friends with Ben Affleck, many fans have joked about Damon playing Robin to Affleck’s Batman.

Speaking with the Irish Examiner, while Damon laughs at the idea of Robin, he does admit he would be open to playing a superhero if Ben Affleck was directing.

“I’d consider anything with the right director, but I can’t imagine there are any superheroes left, I think they’re all taken at this moment,” Damon said. “If [Ben] was directing me, I’d jump on it in a New York minute. I’d love to work with Ben.

“The problem with Ben is every time he directs a movie, he gives himself the best role in it,” Damon continues. “So until he’s willing to give up the best role to one of his friends, we’re not going to get on with it.”

As noted, perhaps with Affleck unwilling to give up the best superhero role (Batman), maybe Matt Damon could take on the role of a villain?

Or for that matter, a superhero that hasn’t yet been cast in the DCEU: Matt Damon as Green Lantern Hal Jordan?

Matt Damon has also drawn some heat as of late over his words regarding gun control. The actor makes his living making millions off of movies that include guns, but Damon recently stated he would like to see the U.S. adopt Australia’s strict gun control laws.

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