Mark Hamill Shoots Down Star Wars Near Death Skellig Michael Rumors


The Force is still strong with Mark Hamill as the actor has taken to Twitter to shoot down the latest rumors that stated the actor almost died while filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Reports surfaced that Hamill slipped on Skellig Michael and was caught by an Irish guide, saving Hamill from impending doom.

Skellig Michael is known for being a dangerous place as a couple of tourists have actually died there as the climb is filled with rough terrain and rugged steps.

Mark Hamill posted on Twitter that the reports are “#falsenews.”

“Fabricated stories usually contain a seed of truth,” Hamill tweeted. “Didn’t so much as stub a toe on Skellig Michael. But thanks for your concern!”

Mark Hamill stars as Luke Skywalker for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which gets released this December. It’s also thought the actor will be back for Episode VIII, which is currently prepping for filming in Ireland as well.

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