Star Wars: Episode VIII Ireland Set Pics & Rumors


It was recently learned that Star Wars: Episode VIII will be filming in Ireland, and now pre-production set pics and even rumors have hit the net.

Potential spoilers follow.

Set images from Skellig Michael in Ireland reveal director Rian Johnson as well as equipment and tents being set up.

According to a local who has talked with workers on the set, the scene is said to possibly involve Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and what may be a Jedi Monastery.

Note: Hamill filmed scenes for Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the same location last year, so this could obviously be the same setting in both films. It’s also mentioned that Hamill’s family is currently in Ireland.

StarWars7News has it as:

Tents and tarps full of equipment were all over the island completely unguarded apart from one tent which lay on top of a fake sandy coloured rock built for the filming… My guess is Luke will be standing on that tomorrow. Talking to people who I can’t name as they were afraid of getting in trouble, we discovered that there were definitely droids already locked away on the island (presumably BB-8 or R2-D2 or both, but couldn’t confirm because they hadn’t seen any of the movies). Along with the droids were weapons, presumably a lightsaber or two. We also discovered that the set had been described as a “Jedi Monastery”, (although I don’t know the validity of that) and scenes were to have wind and rain machines, which we later discovered and took photos that you can see here.

“Star Wars: Episode VIII” has a May 27, 2017 release.

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