Kevin Smith Says Ben Affleck Batman Script Will Be Better Than Batman Vs. Superman


With it recently confirmed Ben Affleck has written a solo Batman movie script, following his positive portrayal in Batman Vs. Superman, now many people are excited about the next adventures of the Dark Knight.

King of the comic fanboys Kevin Smith, who wasn’t all that happy with the characterization in Batman Vs. Superman and noted Batman in the movie was “not the world’s greatest detective,” now says Affleck’s script will be better than Batman Vs. Superman.

“I guarantee you he’s read everything [Batman vs. Superman review-wise] … and he’s like: ‘OK, these are all the pitfalls my script isn’t going to fall into,’ ” Smith told the Freep Film Fest in Detroit. 

Kevin Smith even spun it (as he’s known to do), that Affleck could even get an Oscar nomination for the Batman movie.

“[Ben Affleck] could get another nomination or even a win for his Batman film,” Smith said, as Affleck won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting (original screenplay) and Argo (best picture).

Ben Affleck also previously let it be known that DC Entertainment chief creative office, Batman Vs. Superman producer and DC Comics writer Geoff Johns had helped out on the Batman movie script.

The Batman solo movie has yet to be announced and Affleck is currently only signed on to do Justice League Part 1 and Part 2, but he is appearing in August’s Suicide Squad.

With the critical reception so poor for Batman Vs. Superman, and depending how the movie does in the long run at the box office, it’s possible WB could fast track a new Batman movie starring Affleck.

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