Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Alien Casting Call Goes Out


With Guardians of the Galaxy 2 set to start filming early next year, if you happen to live in the Atlanta area, you have your chance to be cast as one of the many alien species in the film.

Tammy Smith Casting has released an open casting call for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 which is in need of the following:

Character Aliens- MEN (only) ages 18 to 65, all ethnicities, a mix of these looks:
tough, rough, and some biker types , quirky types, thin/gaunt faces, unique features, long necks, crooked/unique noses, imperfect teeth, strong facial bone structures/intense, etc…,, amputees, bald, long hair, facial hair or clean shaven, etc…
– Men – wear a solid darker color plain T-shirt or tank and dark pants

Beautiful/Model Aliens – MEN and WOMEN , ages 18 to 50, all ethnicities
very attractive, physically fit , slender, or thin … and some BALD women too! MEN (5’11 to 6’5), and WOMEN (5’7 to 6’0) with good/clear/smooth skin*
– Men – come clean shaven wear a solid color plain T-shirt / tank and dark pants
– Women – come with light day make-up on, and wear a solid color T-shirt / tank , form fitting skirt or dress

**Note: Many of these types could be painted (head/arms) or in prosthetics/make-up for the film

Bald Women ages 18-50 All Ethnicities

– women who are BALD or very close to bald and/or willing to shave their heads to be completely bald

Note: Many of these types could be painted (head/arms) or in prosthetics/make-up for the film

The open casting call takes place November 7th or 8th, with filming to start in February in Fayetteville, Georgia.

Director James Gunn has confirmed at least one Marvel alien species with the use of the Sneepers.

“Guardians of the Galaxy 2” has a May 5, 2017 release.

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