James Gunn Will Be Able To Use The Sneepers In Guardians of the Galaxy 2


A couple of weeks ago saw James Gunn post on his Facebook page that he was unable to use the alien race known as the Sneepers in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 because of a conflict with Iceland.

It turned out “Sneeper,” when translated to Icelandic, is a word for a female body part.

Marvel legal actually had issue with it and initially didn’t approve “Sneeper” because of the conflict.

However, now because of all the online chatter – as it’s not really that big of a deal – Marvel Legal has changed their mind and allowed Gunn use of the Sneeper for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, so per Gunn’s words below, we’ll see at least one Sneeper somehwhere in the background.

“Guardians of the Galaxy” Vol. 2 hits May 5, 2017.

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