Ben Affleck Batman Movie A Year-And-A-Half Away

batman movie year half away

It’s learned the Ben Affleck Batman movie is about a year-and-a-half away.

The head of Time Warner, Jeff Bewkes, recently spoke about the DC movies and also mentioned the Batman movie.

“Ben announced a Batman movie he’s gonna direct, star, write. I think it’s a year and a half out,” Bewkes said at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia (via reddit).

What’s unclear is whether or not Bewkes means the Batman movie will begin filming or be released in a year-and-a-half.

If it’s the former, that would mean the Ben Affleck Batman movie would probably be released some time in 2019.

Ben Affleck, who is co-writing the Batman script with Geoff Johns, did recently state they are not going to rush the movie.

“I think they have a date for it. Although, I don’t know if I would necessarily be able to make that date because I don’t have a script that’s ready yet,” Affleck said in an interview back in June. “So that’s my—my timetable is. I’m not going to make a movie until there’s a script that I think is good because I’ve been on the end of the things when you make movies when you have a script that’s not good yet and it doesn’t pan out [laughs]. I have a script, we’re still working on it, and I’m not happy enough with it yet to actually go out there and make a Batman movie, for which I have the highest of standards, I would say. That’s something that would have to pass a very high bar for me. It’s not just like, ‘Yeah, that might be fun, let’s go try this out.’”

In addition to Ben Affleck, the Batman movie will feature Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke and more than likely J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon and Jeremy Irons as Alfred. Rumors for the Batman movie include Jason Todd Red Hood, Arkham Asylum and Will Smith as Deadshot.  

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