Time Warner Chief Says DC Movies Can Improve


Yes, Martha. There is room for improvement.

Time Warner chairman-CEO Jeff Bewkes (the boss of WB and head honcho overall) recently admitted their DC slate of movies do need some improvement and that the DC characters aren’t all dark and gloomy.

Bewkes told investors Wednesday there is “a little room for improvement” and “the DC Comics characters … have a little more lightness in them than maybe what you saw in those movies, so we’re thinking about that.”

Variety’s article notes Bewkes said both Batman Vs. Superman and Suicide Squad have been successful, and that they are moving forward with their Justice League universe movie plans.

“The strategy worked,” Bewkes said, with specific mention of Suicide Squad‘s success at the box office. “The execution did deliver what we wanted to do. We can do a little better on the creative. We’re right on course or better. The main thing was to launch DC and reinvigorate it with the fan base. The reboot of Batman with Ben Affleck (in the role) was a big success.” The article further notes Bewkes said fan reaction to Gal Gadot’s debut as Wonder Woman in Batman Vs. Superman is another positive.

Regarding WB’s DC movie plans, Geoff Johns and Jon Berg were recently brought on as co-runners of the DCEU. Movies to be released include Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash and Aquaman, with Shazam, Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Green Lantern Corps, Booster Gold, Justice League Dark, and Justice League sequels in development. 

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