Comic Book Professionals Threaten Fan & Former Marine


Earlier today I received a request in my inbox for a guest-post regarding the state of the comic book business and how divorced it is from the fans (I’ll post it later).

One example that caught my eye was comic book professionals reacting to a YouTube channel, run by a former Marine that is apparently getting a lot of attention, Diversity & Comics.

From a quick glace at the videos, the channel regularly calls out the comic book business for its liberal and PC perspective, with opinionated commentary and such.

Well, apparently some comic book professionals aren’t happy with the Diversity & Comics YouTube channel as they have been discussing it and the individual who runs it on a private Facebook group.

Diversity & Comics posted a screen-grab from the group where various people involved in the comic book industry can be seen discussing the videos and the individual–where it has gotten so far as they recommend violence. 

Writer B. Clay Moore, who has written for DC Comics and currently writes for Valiant Comics, can be seen advocating violence against the former Marine at the upcoming New York Comic-Con, where they actually go so far as to name the YouTuber and even know he has a 1-Day pass for Thursday.  

“Oooooh, man. Knowing Meyer is going to be there makes me wish I was going…  The last thing Meyer is going to do is get violent at a con. But I’d love to follow him around trying to goad him into throwing a punch,” B. Clay Moore wrote.

Worth a mention is that B. Clay Moore thinks the YouTuber is harmless, but wants to incite violence anyway.

Another comic book professional, Taylor Esposito, who is listed on the comiXology web site as having done work for DC Comics, Rosy Press, Zenescope, Valiant, and Dynamite also advocates using violence.

“I’d love to yell ‘one punch’ after you level him,” Taylor Esposito urged, adding an emoji-face “smiley.”

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