Comic Book News

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Comic Book News Marvel Star Wars

Advanced Review: Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

Warning: Spoilers Dead Ahead!



Marvel has been wasting no time churning out Star Wars related comics month after month but this is the first to introduce and pave the way for the future! Don’t let the cover fool you, Rucka is making the journey to The Force Awakens less about the old and more about the new.

Shattered Empire begins during the final moments of Return Of The Jedi, as we see the destruction of the second Death Star and the celebration on Endor. But Rucka doesn’t focus on redundancy for fans, rather, he takes us deeper into the original tale by allowing us access inside the communications of the Green, Red, Yellow and Gold Squads during that epic battle. He glazes over the Star Wars hierarchy in order to push to the forefront the “workers without the glory” and makes us ponder those background characters that paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. 

Some of those “background” characters will be playing key roles for the future of the franchise, with this book paying special attention to two in particular. Shara Bey, the Green Four A-Wing pilot that the book mainly revolves around and Kes Dameron, a pilot in the Pathfinder Strike Team and Shara’s lover. One can only assume that these two will become the parents of ace X-Wing Fighter pilot, Poe Dameron, that will be sharing the spotlight with Finn and Rey in The Force Awakens!

Although Rucka excites the reader with the possible hints at what may come in the future, he hasn’t found the “voice” of the original cast the way Jason Aaron has in the current Star Wars comic series. The dialogue seems lackluster and forced with an array of “background chatter” to fill the void of something significant. Even the few moments between Shara and Kes are short lived and mediocre at best, which is a shame, due to their proposed significance. 

But what Rucka has lacked in immediate dialogue, Checchetto has more than made up for with his art! From lightsaber duel splash pages to A-Wing / Tie-Fighter battles, Checchetto astounds the eye and captivates the reader into the world that mesmerized us all as children. His thin lines and character renderings are wondrous and has shown unbelievable improvement since his years on The Punisher! With tone perfect colors by Andres Mossa, you can flip through this book numerous times and find things you never noticed before. Amazing!

Overall, this book relies too much on fans buying in due to the tag line and not for the story that unfolds. It is okay but lacks that hook that will keep readers slack jawed and wanting more. Buy it for the outstanding art and believe in the Force that issue #2 gives us the tale we are looking for!

Comic Book News Star Wars

Huge Star Wars Force Friday Sale At Comixology


With Force Friday kicking off the start of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens merchandise, let’s not forget about the comics.

Comixology just sent over some info that they are having a huge Star Wars Force Friday sale and so is Amazon Kindle.

We see over at Comixology some trades are going for only $4.99, and even the 27-issue Star Wars Omnibus is going for the same.

The Star Wars collection sale sees discounts up to 80% and ends Sunday, September 6th.


Comic Book News Marvel

Yes. We Have An Asian Hulk.


No surprise here if you have been following all the Marvel Comics news as of late as the company under billionaire Ike Perlmutter has been replacing all the characters with PC minority versions.

As we all thought, the new “Totally Awesome” Hulk is Amadeus Cho, of Korean descent in the comics.

We can scratch another white character off of Marvel’s list.

Marvel revealed the news in an interview with

Hulk happens to be one of my favorite characters, but I may actually give this a try, and it’s more due to the writer on the project, Greg Pak (himself Korean), as the Hulk title hasn’t been the same since he left some years ago. Pak’s run on Hulk is right up there with Peter David’s in my book.

Marvel EIC Axel Alonso spouts his usual spiel in the interview how they still love Banner – I was told the same thing by him about Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy, and we know how those turned out. Alonso offers there will only be one Hulk in the MU, and that it is Cho who happens to like being Hulk, which is different than Banner. 

Pak offers some story details as well:

The story is working on three levels: we’ve got the big crazy action level — the big monster hunt — that’s what our big story arc is. Which is also up Frank Cho’s alley, because if you know Frank Cho, you know he draws monsters like nobody’s business, and he’s going nuts with this. So, we’ve got the monster hunt, we’ve got the mystery of what happened to Banner and what’s going on with Banner, and then there’s an emotional story, of course. My favorite kinds of stories are the ones that have these big crazy genre hijinks and then a real honest, meaty, emotional story where we’re watching a character grapple with some real things. And we’re going to see if Amadeus’ dream of being the greatest Hulk ever and his total confidence of that is really warranted. And we’ve got some great supporting characters that are going to be challenging him in some interesting ways. 

The new series kicks off in December with art by Frank Cho.



Comic Book News

The Dark Knight III Store Logo Variant Cover Revealed


Expect numerous variant covers for Frank Miller’s upcoming The Dark Knight III graphic novel.

DC Comics today revealed the first variant, which can feature a retailer’s logo, with the cover from Dave Johnson based off a sketch done by Jim Lee.


DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE #1 is coming November 25th—and DC’s kicking it off big by revealing the first of several retail variant covers available at your local comics retailer!

With art by Dave Johnson, based on a sketch by Jim Lee, this take on the iconic DARK KNIGHT RETURNS finale features your local comic shop store logo placed near the top.

Want to know more? Want this for yourself? Of course you do! Connect with your local comic book retailer and find out which cover(s) they’re ordering!


Comic Book News

DC Comics Not Backing Down From DC YOU Initiative


A few days ago saw rumors stating DC Comics was in a $2 million pitfall, and that they were moving away from the recently launched DC YOU initiative.

Now in a recent interview, DC Comics co-publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee shoot down the rumors mentioning they aren’t backing down from the new brand.

“If you’re trying to build a fan base, a new audience, you’ve got to nurture it. You’ve got to take your time. You’ve got to take your losses,” DiDio told the Los Angeles Daily News. “Sooner or later, it’s going to take hold and hopefully be a leader in the business. Right now, our goal is to try and feed out as much product that’s as different as possible to try and attract the widest audience possible.”

Didio did admit that DC will start “adjusting a little bit, and start to focus,” looking at what’s working with the new “DC You” initiative and what has not. Likewise, Jim Lee says things are evolving as well.

“We had some hits, we have some things that are under-performing,” Jim Lee added. “What we (did) in June is definitely step one towards this sort of transformation of the (comics) line. And I think that story is still being written.”

Comic Book News

Marvel Announces Guardians of Infinity With Dan Abnett


Following the 2008 Guardians of the Galaxy comic that inspired the billion dollar Disney franchise, Guardians 3000 and the recent Secret Wars: Korvac Saga, Dan Abnett returns for the new ongoing Guardians of Infinity in December.

Per the solicit below, we see the team will consist of the present day Guardians including Drax, Groot and Rocket Raccoon, as well as Abnett’s Guardians 3000 team, and what sounds like possibly some of the original Guardians.






Variant Cover by CARLO BARBERI


Defending the galaxy is a good gig, but Drax isn’t thrilled with the combat hours (not enough of them) and Rocket isn’t thrilled with the compensation (not enough of it). They’re off on an adventure to supplement both, and Groot is happy to come along. But instead of the perks they want, they’re about to get more trouble than they can handle. Good thing the Guardians 3000 are on hand to help! But what about…THE GUARDIANS 1000??!!

Also in this issue, Latour and Cheung tell a one-off story of Ben Grimm and Rocket Raccoon, stuck on a planet where culture is based on Earth-style professional wrestling…but the stakes are life and death! THIS AIN’T KAYFABE, BROTHER!


Comic Book News

DC Comics Dumping the DC YOU? Raising Comic Prices?


More information becomes known regarding the future of DC Comics following yesterday’s report that DC is suffering from financial woes.

Following DC moving away from the New 52 brand into the DC YOU initiative, which was just announced 14 weeks ago, it’s now being said the DC YOU is being considered a flop as well, and that DC may be returning to their “house style.”

Former DC Comics editor Heidi MacDonald, who now writes for Comics Beat, offers her take on DC’s problems in that she’s heard from multiple sources that the DC YOU has failed to excite retailer and readers (which sales prove). MacDonald further says she hears that co-publisher Dan DiDio wasn’t in favor of the DC YOU relaunch (post-Convergence), and that “DiDio’s way is making a comeback.”

MacDonald does note it’s still too early to see where everything is going, but she has heard ideas are being floated around that she considers “shocking,” though she doesn’t go into specifics other than stating it may mean a possible “return to a tightly interwoven overarching continuity or just a return to DC’s house style.”

Bleeding Cool, source of the DC $2 million pitfall, adds more to the story in that DC has reneged on their guarantee of 12 issues for the DC YOU launch for each title, and that the issues can be cancelled at any time. It’s further said DC will be more “trigger shy” in approving new projects.

It’s said DC’s “recovery plan” will see DC doubling down on their efforts to sell trade paperpacks as well as concentrating on custom publishing projects for other clients, upping their ad sales, and are hoping Miller’s Dark Knight III is a blockbuster hit.

It also said creators at DC Comics may take a hit as BC suggests page rates are likely to “take a knock” as DC is known for paying out out higher page rates to writers and artists than other companies, with it said to expect those rates to be “negotiated downwards.”

BC also suggests DC may raise the price of their comics.

Comic Book News

Michael Bay Launching Interactive Comic Book Line


Michael Bay‘s 451 Media Group, the digital media company co-founded by Bay, has announced it is launching a new interactive comic book line featuring printed graphic novels coupled with digital video.

Variety reports the graphic novels will debut at this October’s New York Comic-Com, with a sneak peek coming through Machinima.

The creators of the graphic novels include Scott Rosenberg (“Con Air”), Skip Woods (“Wolverine”), George Pelecanos (“The Wire”), Mark Mallouk (“Black Mass”), Clay McLeod Chapman (“The Avengers”) and Peter and Paul Williams (vfx for “Avatar,” “The Avengers”).

451 Media is touting Touchcode technology from T+ink to span print and digital worlds, in which ink used in the printing process of graphic novels published by 451 will unlock access to exclusive content on users’ touch-screen-enabled mobile and tablet devices.

“We discover great stories by way of our team of top-notch writers, screenwriters and authors and then work with our technology partners to turn those stories into truly immersive entertainment experiences,” 451 Media CEO Doug Nunes said in a press release.

Michael Bay, is of course, known for directing the Transformers movies.

451 Media Group also released the following promo:

451 Interactive Publishing redraws the boundaries of what comic book storytelling can be. By combining Touchcode technology with the visionary talents of today’s top screenwriters, best selling authors, and the comic industry’s leading artists we have created a first of it’s kind interactive experience. By creating characters and worlds so large they break through the confines of the panel and page we are captivating and engaging readers with a fresh and entirely unique experience.

First Issue In Stores: 10/14/15

Comic Book News

DC Comics In Trouble? Down 2 Million Dollars? Superman Back To Normal?


I’ve long expected this since about four or five months into the New 52.

Bleeding Cool is reporting that DC Comics is down over 2 million dollars for their financial year beginninng in 2015.

Reasons cited include the cost from moving the offices from New York to Burbank were higher than expected as well as the poor performance from the less than stellar Convergence event series and tie-ins, in addition to the post-Convergence relaunch doing all that not great.

DC also offered their comics to be returnable, which has only added to the problem, as obviously the issues are not selling and retailers are returning them, which is a loss for DC.

According to the report, “a lot” is riding on Frank Miller’s Dark Knight III: The Master Race upcoming graphic novel.

It’s also said that DC senior executives have ordered the DC editors to go back to the “meat and potatoes.”

Bruce Wayne will be returning as Batman (it’s noted that was always the plan), but it’s also said Superman may be returning to normal (whatever that is) as look for Superman to “ditch the shirt and jeans a lot quicker than planned and to get back into the suit pronto.” It’s further said, regarding Superman, that DC has to downplay the recent identity revelations themes and not write the stories specifically about the change in identity status as they are now.

It’s argued that every book isn’t going to be a “surprise hit” the way Batgirl or Harley Quinn have turned out, or even Marvel’s Hawkeye. Trying to get every DC book that way isn’t working out, so it seems it’s back to basics. 

Regarding my statements above about the New 52, the first few issues of just about all the series were actually quite good; however, it seemed (at least from my reading) as if the writers were given less freedom, with the stories subsequently suffering (blame who you wish).

My two cents (which admittedly might be all its worth), would be to follow what Marvel is pretty much doing: Whenever an issue starts falling below a certain number (popular titles around 50k; less popular around 30K), they relaunch – and they relaunch with multiple covers. As much as I hate the gimmicks and such, the variant coves for Marvel work and comic readers are eating them up. If I was DC, I probably would have ten or so variant covers for Snyder’s Batman and the same for Johns’ Justice League. Whenever a title drops around 20-30k, I would relaunch with another #1 (i.e vol. 2) with multiple covers and go that route.

I would also stick Johns on every DC event, and tie them into the popular characters’ comics (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash). I would also relaunch Superman with only one title and stick Chris Roberson on it. I would nix all the Green Lantern rainbow brite stuff and go with only two books, Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps (both series were awesome prior to New 52), with Abnett and Brad Walker on one title, and Marz and Lanning on another (Giffen would be in the cosmic mix somewhere, and Starlin). 

Lastly, I would nix the notion of the DC movies influencing the DC comics as the comics are the inspiration for the movies and not the other way around (ditto at Marvel).

Update: DC Comics Dumping the DC YOU? Raising Comic Prices?

Comic Book News

The Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere Headlines NYCC Super Week


ReedPOP, the world’s largest producer of pop culture events, today unveiled its outstanding line-up for the second annual New York Super Week; a weeklong festival that will transform the entire city of New York into the ultimate playground for pop culture fanatics and geeks of all sizes. Headlined by AMC Network’s season six premiere of The Walking Dead at Madison Square Garden and ESL One – the largest e-sports tournament on the East Coast, New York Super Week offers a Fan experience unlike anything on the planet with special celebrity appearances, concerts, comedy shows, gaming events and more throughout New York City. The weeklong festival of approximately 100 events from October 5–11, 2015 culminates with the 10th Edition of New York Comic Con, the most exciting entertainment event on the East Coast with more than 151,000 Fans in attendance. Tickets to each New York Super Week event are sold individually and prices will vary based on event.

Fans can visit for detailed ticketing information.

New York Super Week is a super-charged multi-borough festival featuring an array of one-of-a-kind entertainment events that give thousands of Fans completely unique and immersive experiences. Today’s announcement reveals the following events, concerts, screenings and activities happening all throughout New York City including:

  • Two signings with renowned Japanese Manga Artist Masashi Kishimoto who will make his first appearances in the United States
  • Special How Did This Get Made? live podcast
  • Hollywood Babble-On with Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman
  • Comedy Mutant: Stand-Up Special with Brian Posehn and Friends 
  • Multiple events featuring cast members of The Thrilling Adventure Hour
  • PressPlay Tour Featuring Fan-Favorite Social Media All-Stars
  • DMC (Darryl McDaniels) rare Concert and Discussion
  • A Game of Thrones podcast followed by a live DJ set by Kristian Nairn (a.k.a. Hodor)
  • Karaoke with the Broadway Stars
  • RAWR! Burlesque returns after a sold-out show last year
  • Rock n’ Comix concert featuring Charles Soule
  • Numerous Film and Documentary Screenings with select Directors and cast members at IFC Center

“New York Super Week was created because quite frankly, New York Comic Con had outgrown itself and there is so much demand out there for unique fan experiences,” said Lance Fensterman, Senior Global Vice President ReedPOP. “We’ve learned some things from last year and we’re working on making things even greater for our Fans.”

These events round out the previously announced events such as Blade Rave by BBQ Films at Terminal 5, the first ever live podcast of Stuff You Missed in History Class, the Lord of the Rings Shipwreck Fan Fiction Competition, the Muppet Vault celebrating all things Muppets and many, many more! For a full comprehensive schedule and line-up of events Fans can visit 

Additional details about New York Super Week events, guests and sponsors will be rolling out in the coming weeks.

Please note, the New York Super Week Card is not a New York Comic Con ticket or a ticket to any New York Super Week ticketed events — those must be purchased separately.

Comic Book News

Watch: Bruce Wayne Returns to Batman

Check out the latest edition of DC All Access above as Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo talk Batman.

Jim Gordon is Batman, but now that we know Bruce Wayne isn’t dead, when will we see him return to the cowl? You’ve been wondering it, so in this exclusive DC All Access clip, we got Batman writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo to discuss whether Bruce Wayne has a future as Batman or if he’s hung up the cape for good. 

Comic Book News

Viz Media Launches New Ultraman Manga Series



VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), the largest publisher, distributor and licensor of manga and anime in North America, announces the brand new ULTRAMAN sci-fi superhero action manga (graphic novel) series, which is set to debut in print and digitally on August 18th.

The series, written by Eiichi Shimizu with artwork by Tomohiro Shimoguchi, is inspired by the original classic Japanese superhero TV show that ran in the late 1960s and remains hugely popular in Japan as well as with international audiences. ULTRAMAN Vol. 1 is rated ‘T’ for Teens and will carry a print MSRP of $12.99 U.S. / $14.99 CAN. The series also launches digitally the same day via and the VIZ Manga App, as well as from the Nook, Kobo, Kindle, iBooks, comiXology, and GooglePlay stores. Future editions of ULTRAMAN will be published quarterly under the VIZ Signature imprint. In Japan, the series currently appears in Hero’s magazine.

Decades ago, a being known as the Giant of Light joined together with Shin Hayata of the Science Special Search Party to save Earth from an invasion of terrifying monsters called Kaiju. Now, many years later, those dark days are fading into memory, and the world is at peace. But in the shadows a new threat is growing, a danger that can only be faced by a new kind of hero – a new kind of ULTRAMAN… Shinjiro is an ordinary teenager, but his father is the legendary Shin Hayata. When he learns that his father passed on the “Ultraman Factor” to him and that he possesses incredible powers, nothing will ever be the same again.

VIZ Media recently welcomed Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi for their first-ever professional appearance in the U.S. as official Guests of Honor at the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con.

“In Japan, Ultraman is something of a national symbol, an iconic superhero that is instantly recognizable and universally loved, and we’re excited to bring the brand new manga to a new generation of fans,” says Mike Montesa, Editor. “The series wonderfully updates the classic sci-fi property with cinematic action sequences and sleek character designs. Catch the exciting return of this legendary hero this summer!”

Eiichi Shimizu worked on the story, script and mechanical design for ULTRAMAN. Tomohiro Shimoguchi provided character design and art. Together, the two have formed a creative dream team to produce a number of works including ULTRAMAN (Hero’s) and Kurogane no Rainbareru (Linebarrels of Iron, Akita Shoten). In addition to comics, they have expanded their field of interest to include character designs for video games and action figures.

For more information on ULTRAMAN or manga titles published by VIZ Media, please visit

Comic Book News

Watch: Green Lantern’s New Weapon is Old Video

Check out a video about Green Lantern above from DC All Access featuring writer Robert Venditti talking about the new direction and more.

Things haven’t been going so smoothly for Hal Jordan lately, and with the Green Lantern Corps missing and entire worlds of people being turned to stone, it doesn’t look like things will be getting any easier any time soon… or will they? In this exclusive DC All Access clip, we talk to Green Lantern writer Robert Venditti about how Hal Jordan found himself in this state, and what’s ahead for him on the horizon. Can you say Black Hand?

Comic Book News Marvel

Top 10 Comics For July 2015


The surviving heroes of the Marvel Universe confront Doom and his Thor Corps in Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic’s Secret Wars #4 from Marvel Comics, the best-selling comic book in July 2015 according to information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors, the world’s largest distributor of comics, graphic novels, and pop culture merchandise.

Marvel Comics was July’s top publisher with a 38.43% dollar share and a 41.59% unit share. DC Entertainment was the month’s number two publisher with a 23.94% dollar share and a 24.30% unit share. July’s number three publisher was Image Comics with a 9.48% dollar share and a 10.72% unit share. In fourth was IDW Publishing with a 6.60% dollar share and a 5.28% unit share. Dark Horse Comics placed fifth for the month with a 3.77% dollar share and a 3.36% unit share.

In July, Marvel Comics had eight titles among the top ten best-selling comics, including Charles Soule and Alex Maleev’s Star Wars: Lando #1 at #2 and Soule and Leinil Francis Yu’s Civil War #1 at #3. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue their impressive run on their current adventures of the Dark Knight, with DC Entertainment’s Batman #42 coming in at #5. Also in the top ten was Mark Waid and Fiona Staples’ Archie #1, a modern relaunch of the venerable character from Archie Comics, at #7.

Bill Willingham’s long-running fantasy Fables came to its conclusion in Fables Volume 22 from DC Entertainment’s VERTIGO imprint, the best-selling graphic novel for July and one of the publisher’s four volumes in the top ten. Image Comics had two titles among the top ten, with Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie’s The Wicked & The Divine Volume 2: Fandemonium as their best-selling graphic novel at #2. Marvel Comics had two titles in the top ten, led by Hawkeye Volume 4: Rio Bravo by Jonathan Hickman and David Aja at #3.

Gemstone’s softcover edition of The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Volume 45 was July’s best-selling book, and the hardcover edition ranked #2 for the month.

DC Entertainment’s DC Comics Blueline: Batman By Jim Lee San Diego Comic-Con 2015 Exclusive Action Figure, a unique new action figure that boasts a design based on Lee’s pencil artwork of the Dark Knight, was July’s bestselling toy and one of the manufacturer’s five products in the top ten. Also in the top ten was Diamond Select Toys with two products; the Marvel Select: Deadpool Action Figure was their best-selling product at #2.

The Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers: Age of Ultron Foil Packs, an expansion for WizKids/NECA’s collectible dice game based on Marvel Comics’ Age of Ultron comic book, was July’s best-selling game product.






Comic Book News

Free Hitman: Agent 47 Prequel Comic Book


Fox has parterned with BOOM! Studios to release a Hitman: Agent 47 official movie prequel comic book that leads into the beginning of the film and was written by F.J. DeSanto (Cyborg 009) and illustrated by Jesús Hervás (Clive Barker’s Hellraiser).

The comic is available to read for FREE on comiXology here:

Above you can also check out a “making of” video for the comic.

“Hitman: Agent 47” has an August 28, 2015 release directed by Aleksander Bach starring Rupert Friend, Hannah Ware, Zachary Quinto, Ciarán Hinds and Thomas Kretschmann.


HITMAN: AGENT 47 centers on an elite assassin who was genetically engineered from conception to be the perfect killing machine, and is known only by the last two digits on the barcode tattooed on the back of his neck. He is the culmination of decades of research – and forty-six earlier Agent clones — endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence. His latest target is a mega-corporation that plans to unlock the secret of Agent 47’s past to create an army of killers whose powers surpass even his own. Teaming up with a young woman who may hold the secret to overcoming their powerful and clandestine enemies, 47 confronts stunning revelations about his own origins and squares off in an epic battle with his deadliest foe.

Comic Book News

Dan DiDio Says DC Comics Will Never Reboot Again


No more reboots for DC Comics?

Following the New 52, DC Comics recently scrapped the brand in favor of the DC YOU initiative, and now DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio says there’s no going back and starting over — and over.

“Our goal is never to be in a position where we are restarting, relaunching a line, ever again,” DiDio told CBR. “Quite the opposite. What we really want to do is build on what we created from the launch of New 52, take what existed beforehand, integrate that in, to give us the best interpretations of the characters that organically move forward, and are all part of one big continuity that is DC Comics.”

DC Comics recently used their Convergence event to bring all the different multi-verse characters together. DiDio says going forward, they want to focus on the best creators for the characters.

“You can see 400 titles on a monthly basis,” Didio said. “We want to make sure we have the best talent pushing forward – we’re looking at the entire talent pool now, and saying, ‘Who’s best to execute our books? The best interpretation, the best voice, the ones that are able to push this character moving forward?’

Comic Book News Marvel

Dan Abnett Writing New Hercules Ongoing For Marvel


Superstar Marvel Cosmic writer Dan Abnett is taking on the Prince Of Power as Marvel has announced a new ongoing Hercules series with art by Luke Ross, which launches in November.

Marvel’s CBR site features an interview with Abnett, who recently included Hercules in his Secret Wars: Korvac Saga series.

Highlights from the interview include:

•  The idea came to me because I was aware that I hadn’t ever given Marvel’s Hercules the sort of the consideration it deserved. I love the Marvel Universe and all the characters in it. I think Hercules is a fabulous addition to that and, as you said, there have been some great comics handling him over the years.

• Because of the nature of “Secret Wars,” I was restricted from using Thor. So I made damn sure that Hercules was part of [Korvac Saga”]. I wanted a big powerhouse demigod character. 

• I want to keep the book very accessible and I want to make it very immediate. So the first few issues are going to appear to be done in one stories. He’ll deal with one or multiple problems in an issue and there’s a sense of closure, but there is the inevitable meta story. So his supporting cast’s story rolls through those and we gradually get the impression that these apparently disconnected elements are going to be more connected. They are not necessarily all part of the same thing, but they are symptoms of the same problem. And yes, at least some of his major opponents are going to be new characters that are almost filling the vacuum left by the diminishing mythological presence of the world. That’s going to be a fun thing to do.

• He’s been a hero for longer than most people and he’s coasted. He’s had a few weeks off. Except in his terms that’s probably the best part of a century. That’s perfectly normal, but he’s become aware of the fact that people don’t look at him with the same awe that they do Captain America, or Iron Man, or Thor. They go, “Oh Hercules! He’s the funny one!” In this Internet age, he’d be the one where you’d see the fail photographs of him at an event or doing something daft or whatever.

•  For instance Tony Stark might go, “Wow! Centaurs. I don’t know what to do about those?” Whereas Hercules would go, “I know all about those.” So he has an area of expertise that fills a really interesting niche in the same way that if it was magic you would go to Doctor Strange or if it’s technology Tony Stark is your man. So it’s almost like an area of expertise that Hercules has decided to remind the world he know all about.

• This is not a grim and gritty take on Hercules. It’s going to be triumphantly celebratory of everything that Hercules has ever been, but it is him cutting back to basics and going, “Right, I need to get my act together again and prove that I’m a serious warrior and hero.”


Comic Book News

Watch: Green Lantern or Text Fail From Comic-Con

Check out a video from Comic-Con where DC All Access caught up with Green Lantern fans for a Geek quiz.

What does text messaging have to do with being a Green Lantern? Honestly, not much. But that hasn’t stopped us from combining the two into a little game we call “Green Lantern or Text Fail?” In this DC All Access clip, Hector quizzes some brave San Diego Comic-Con contestants on their ability to tell obscure Green Lanterns apart from fudged up text messages. Trust us, it’s harder than it looks. Featuring Diana, Luca, Alex, Paula, Mikhael, Joshua, Lendsey and special guest contestants David and Meredith Finch!

Comic Book News

Go Back To School With DC Characters


Warner Bros. Consumer Products is partnering with Thermos and Vaultz to bring excitement to kids heading back-to-school with DC Comics-inspired school supplies.

A stylish way to make school lunches fun again, WBCP is presenting caped lunchboxes inspired by Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and more. A+ report cards won’t be so hard to achieve when kids have the command of Batman on their side as they start the school year with DC Comics inspired pencil boxes and binder pouches.

Caped Thermos Insulated Dual-Compartment Lunch Kit

These dual-compartment caped lunch kits by Thermos are a sure way to ensure a heroic lunch! The containers feature superior insulation to keep food fresh, durable easy-clean fabric and lining to keep food safe and cut down on mess. The large upper compartment is great for goodies of all kinds, and there is a lower compartment great for beverages! Available online and at retailers nationwide.

Thermos Insulated Dual-Compartment Lunch Kit

A stylish way to make school lunches fun again, these sleek Batgirl and Wonder Woman lunch kits offer kids an easy way to tote along their favorite meals and snacks. Each unit features two zippered compartments a large one with ample space, and a smaller one that keeps smaller snacks neatly tucked away. Available online and at retailers nationwide.

Thermos Scooby-Doo Lunch Box

Thermos’ durable, easy-to-clean, and lead-safe lunch boxes feature superior foam insulation to keep food fresh and have a comfortable padded carrying handle to make lunch easy to tote to school. Available online and at retailers nationwide.

Vaultz Locking Pencil Boxes

It’s your stuff so LOCK IT UP!™ This catch-all Batman emblem supply box is durable, cool, and is the perfect size to throw in a backpack, locker, or drawer. Available online and at retailers nationwide.

Vaultz Locking Binder Pouches

Have the command of Batman on your side. Perfect for securing school supplies, phones, cash, calculators, small valuables, and anything else you want to lock up! Features a decorative locking zipper latch for stylish security. Available online and at retailers nationwide.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Replaces Another White Character – Giant-Man


Now before anyone tweets out or leaves a comment accusing me of racism or whatever, do me a favor, when Marvel replaces a minority character with a white male character, then call me out.

Yeah, I’m waiting for a white Black Panther or Luke Cage (not really).

The PC police at Disney are once again in full force (as they were last night during the ESPYs) as Marvel Comics has now replaced Scott Lang’s Ant-Man.

The new Ant-Man is Raz Malhotra who is gay and looks to be from Indian/Pakistani/Asian descent.

This week’s Ant-Man annual saw Scott Lang give Raz the Giant-Man costume noting, “You can’t do worse than I did!”

Raz was kidnapped by Egghead but saved by Ant-man and Hank Pym and received the Giant-Man costume.

Giant-Man is the latest white character at Marvel to be replaced, which includes Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Richard Rider Nova. And other characters have simply been copied with more PC-friendly characters including: a female Star-Lord, Miles Morales Spider-Man and female Blade (am I forgetting anyone? update: Wolverine, Ghost Rider).

Again my arguement isn’t against introducing diversity, but it’s against replacing characters just for the sake of it.

I agree with Stan Lee and Michelle Rodriguez: Just create new characters. What happened to the House of Ideas?


Comic Book News

First Look At Batman: Earth One Vol. 3

Geoff Johns has taken to Instagram to share a first look at Batman: Earth One Vol. 3.

“To mark my trip to London today, where I get to see [Gary Frank] and [Jon Sibal] — a first look at #BatmanEarthOne V3,” Johns added.

Johns also noted in the comments that he might be able to attend the London Comic-Con this weekend.

No release date has been announced as of yet.

The Batman: Earth One graphic novels re-imagine a new mythology for the Dark Knight, where the familiar is no longer the expected. 

Comic Book News

Joker’s Identity Revealed In Justice League #42 (Spoilers)


Updated: with images below.

Potential spoilers follow for Justice League #42.

Bleeding Cool reports tomorrow’s issue, written by Geoff Johns, will reveal the identity of the Joker to Batman.

That appears to be true, but the kicker is – only to Batman.

Meaning not to the readers.

I don’t have confirmation exactly what goes down this time, but  a user on 4Chan (for what it’s worth) states Batman apparently is told the Joker identity in which he says, “That’s impossible,”  – meaning he knows who it is – and also questions the Moebius Chair about the identity of who killed his parents.

So the Joker’s identity is not really revealed, and my guess is never will be.

Comic Book News

DC Comics Announces Aquaman & The Flash Earth One GNs At Comic-Con

DC Co-Publishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio announced two new “Earth One” original graphic noves at Comic-Con with J. Michael Strazynski following up his best-selling Superman: Earth One tale with a new look at the Scarlet Speedster in Flash: Earth One.

In addition, Francis Manapul (Detective Comics) will provide his take on the King of the Seas in Aquaman: Earth One.

Look for more details soon.

Comic Book News

DC Comics Announces Justice League: Gods And Men


During Friday’s One on One panel at COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO 2015, JUSTICE LEAGUE writer Geoff Johns revealed his plans for a series of one-shots spinning out of his current “Darkseid War” story arc.

Scheduled for October, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN is a series of six single issues focusing on key characters in the Darkseid War and extends their individual conflicts against the backdrop of universal Armageddon, with Darkseid squaring off against the Anti-Monitor:    

Batman – Armed with the godlike power of the Mobius Chair, the Dark Knight has taken on the role of Metron and plans to use the infinite knowledge of this device to turn Gotham City into a completely crime-free zone!    

Superman – Corrupted by the weird energies of Apokolips’ fire pits, Superman has been turned into an angry, violent brute. And only one man can possibly save him: Lex Luthor.               

Green Lantern – Oa has been conquered and transformed into a Parademon factory and the Green Lantern Corps is no more! Only Hal Jordan remains to follow a distress call from the last active Lantern seen fighting on Oa: John Stewart               

Lex Luthor – At last, Lex Luthor, the new ruler of Apokolips, can do what he never could accomplish on Earth: hold the fate of a world in his hands. But his one failure from the “Darkseid War” continues to keep him from the peace he craves – and only a crazed Superman can help him get it!               

The Flash – The Flash takes on the role of death’s harbinger, the Black Racer. And the beneficiary of his first visit is Aquaman!

Shazam! – Instead of accessing the powers of the old gods, Billy Batson now commands the combined powers of the New Gods like Highfather, Mantis and others trapped within the Source Wall. And that’s power that no mortal should possess! 


Comic Book News

Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crossover Announced


DC Entertainment and IDW Publishing announced their latest crossover miniseries during IDW’s panel on Friday at Comic-Con International: San Diego with BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. Scheduled for November, this six-part monthly miniseries is set in the streets of Gotham City where fans will see the Dark Knight fight like never before with wall-to-wall ninja action.

The story will be brought to life by James Tynion IV (BATMAN: ETERNAL, CONSTANTINE) and star artist Freddie E. Williams II (ROBIN, CAPTAIN ATOM) handling interior and cover art.  In addition, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman and other to-be-announced artists will illustrate variant covers.

“Batman is the world’s most popular Super Hero. He continues to be reimagined and this new crossover showcases his ongoing appeal as a global pop icon for the ages,” said Editor-in-Chief of DC Comics, Bob Harras.

“We here at IDW have very much enjoyed working with DC Entertainment on fan favorite crossover comics,” said IDW President, Greg Goldstein. “TMNT is a global phenomenon, beloved by millions. Pairing the Turtles with Batman will prove to be a publishing event that transcends comic book culture.” 

 “I’ve been extremely luck to spend so much time working in Gotham City, but it’s always a thrill to see the world of Batman through new eyes,” explained writer James Tynion IV. “Taking the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on a Gotham adventure is a fanboy dream come true.”

In the ongoing power struggle between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, General Krang, and the Foot Clan, allegiances have shifted and the battle lines have been drawn. Krang concocts a plan to rid himself of both the Turtles and Shredder by transporting them to another dimension, where they land in the dark and dangerous streets of Gotham City. It isn’t long before they encounter Gotham’s most famous resident, Batman.  The Caped Crusader may be their only hope of overcoming their enemies and getting back home. But not before they encounter a whole cast of Gotham’s most infamous rogues. 



Comic Book News

Watch: DC Day 2 Comic-Con Recap Video: Doctor Who, Batman & Robin Eternal & More

Check out highlights of DC’s Day 2 activities at Comic-Con which includes Peter Capaldi and Doctor Who in the Lego Dimensions trailer, an announcement for Batman & Robin Eternal, LEGO, Spy vs Spy and more.


There are over a hundred thousand fans packed into the San Diego Convention Center, but is there a Doctor in the house? There is indeed and he’s on DC All Access! In this exclusive SDCC clip, we look at the recently announced new LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who expansion and hear from actor Peter Capaldi, who voices the Doctor. We keep the LEGO awesomeness coming with a look at some impressive DC Comics LEGO sculptures from artist Nathan Sawaya and discuss his upcoming “Art of the Brick: DC Comics” exhibition. We also look at the just announced new Batman weekly comic, Batman and Robin Eternal, as well as MAD’s gorgeous new Spy vs. Spy collection with MAD Editor-in-Chief John Ficarra.

Comic Book News Marvel

Rom: The Space Knight & Micronauts Come To IDW Publishing


Rom The Space Knight and the Micronauts are coming to IDW Publishing next year.

IDW Publishing’s Chris Ryall revealed the above promo image on Tumblr.

Rom and Micronauts were former Marvel properties that were licensed from Hasbro.

Fans have been inquiring about both in recent years, but Marvel has always said they don’t have the licensee.

We know see that IDW does, which may also mean Hasbro could be releasing new toys.

Look for more news on Rom and the Micronauts from IDW soon.

Comic Book News Marvel

Now There Is A Female Blade

Add one more PC character to Marvel’s ever growing list as the latest to get replaced is Blade, which interestingly enough follows the earlier news that Wesley Snipes had talked with Marvel about Blade 4.

Images leaked online from a Marvel Comics retailer exclusive event from Comic-Con revealing the new female Blade and more.



#marvelcomics #owning it again

Posted by Dennis L Barger Jr on Friday, July 10, 2015

Comic Book News

DC Reveals New Details For The Dark Knight III At Comic-Con


DC Entertainment began Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 with a blockbuster announcement, revealing today that artists Andy Kubert and Klaus Janson will be joining living-legend Batman writer and artist Frank Miller and acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello in bringing the final chapter of the celebrated THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS saga to life.

“THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE” is the epic conclusion to Miller’s 1986 classic THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS trilogy – heralded by TIME Magazine as one of the 10 greatest graphic novels of all time – and its 2001-2002 follow-up series BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN.

THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE will be an eight-issue, comic book periodical, to be published monthly under the DC Comics imprint.  Within each 32 page periodical there will be a special 16 page “Dark Knight Universe” comic affixed in the center. Each “Dark Knight Universe” comic will feature a rotating cast of special guest artists and characters.

“We went into this knowing that we had to give fans more,” said Dan DiDio and Jim Lee, Co-Publishers for DC Entertainment. “We’re pulling out all the stops to deliver an amazing conclusion to this exciting body of work. We hope it inspires the next generation of writers and artists, the way it has already inspired us.”

According to Kubert, “Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello have crafted such an incredible story for DKIII, as I am truly honored to be associated with them, this project, and Klaus Janson. We, along with the fans, are in for a great ride!”

“Any opportunity to work with Frank Miller is a happy occasion for me,” said Janson. “When we add the talents of Brian Azzarello and Andy Kubert to the mix, we have the ingredients to achieve something truly memorable.  This will be amazing!”

Marking the 30th anniversary of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS original series, this periodical is slated for publication beginning in late Fall 2015.


Comic Book News

Watch: DC Super Friends Thomas The Train Short

Check out Thomas the Train along with Batman, Superman and Cyborg as they tackle DC villains in Sodor in the above animated short. The world’s favorite engines meet the world’s greatest super heroes as Thomas & Friends collide with DC Super Friends for a mighty MINIS mash-up! 

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