Chris Evans Nudes Leak; Captain America Trending


It’s being reported that Chris Evans leaked nude images of himself on Instagram, but quickly deleted the offending images.

As a result, “Captain America” is now trending on Twitter with almost 7,000 tweets and “Chris Evans” has a whopping 123k tweets.

It’s unclear how the images may have leaked as it’s said the d-ck pic was released on Chris Evans’ Instagram Story.

The image leaked features twelve views of Chris Evans which looks to be a screengrab from a cell phone with some of the images having a timestamp; the ninth pick in the collage is the “Captain America” d-ck pic, with another image having a text overlay that states “guard that p-ssy.”

Update: It’s said that Chris Evans was playing a game of “Heads Up” with his family on Instagram Story and when the pre-recorded video ended, for some reason, his phone showed the photo roll from his device which featured a grid of images including the NSFW image of an erect penis. 

Update #2: Mark Ruffalo defends Evans.

Update #3: Evans responds.

Update: #4: Evans spoke with Tamron Hall.

Fans react to Chris Evans leaked nudes:

Chris Evans Captain America

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