Bryan Singer Hints At Original X-Men Costumes For “Apocalypse”


The costumes for the X-Men in X-Men: Apcocalypse look to be going closer to their more colorful comic book counterparts than ever before.

Bryan Singer participated in an interview over at Yahoo where he offered the following:

The X-Men are sort of a fighting team, so it was always an attempt at being realistic to have them in fighting uniforms, flight suits, things like that. In X-Men: First Class, which I produced and wrote the story for, we hark back to the original colors of the original costumes from the 1963 comics, which were all the same, they were uniforms. They eventually involved into the colors.

I will say that in X-Men: Apocalypse, there is a chance – without giving anything away – that you may get closer to seeing what I think, you are interested in seeing. I know its something that I’ve been interested in. I just always wanted to do it the right way.

Singer also says the new younger versions of the characters are different than the preceding films:

These are very different characters than they were in the films X-Men 1, 2, and 3. They are at times in their lives when they are at the most opposite of what they would become. That’s a thrill to me, to take characters I crafted so many years ago and flip them completely on their side and show how they evolved and began.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Issac.

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