Billy Unger Teases Spider-Man


A couple of days ago Cosmic Book News reported on the possibility of Billy Unger playing Spider-Man as the actor seemingly teased the character on his social networks.

Now Unger is back; this time not denying he is Spider-Man.

“I’m not saying I’m Spider-Man.. I’m just saying that no one has ever seen me and Spider-Man in the same room together,” Unger posted on Instagram with an image from when he was seven years old.

The 19-year-old life-long Spider-Man fan also had his image tweeted by the official Avengers Twitter account as having attended the premiere for The Avengers: Age Of Ultron – something none of the five rumored actors can claim.

The new Spider-Man will be in high school and is rumored to appear in Captain America: Civil War prior to the 2017 standalone Spider-Man movie.

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