Billy Unger Rumored For Spider-Man


Is 19-year-old actor Billy Unger up for the role of Marvel’s new Spider-Man?

Unger has posted images of himself on Instagram attending The Avengers 2 premiere including “Spider-Man” as a hashtag. Unger also describes himself as a “superhero” on Instagram as well.

In addition, Unger’s girlfriend lists herself as “Mrs. Spider-Man” on her own Instagram account.

It’s possible Billy Unger could be a contender for Spider-Man, or perhaps similar to Vin Diesel, is trying to draw attention to himself.

Prior to Vin Diesel being cast as Groot for Guardians of the Galaxy, the actor stretched the truth just a little bit stating he took meetings with Marvel, but in reality, had not. Marvel eventually noticed Vin Diesel’s enthusiasm, did have talks, and gave him the part of voicing Groot.

While Billy Unger’s name is not on the reported shortlist of actors for the role of Spider-Man, bear in mind the source of the info stated he was 95% sure the new Spider-Man would be non-white; however, the five listed actors are white. In addition, neither Chris Evans nor Chris Pratt were on any short-lists for their respective Marvel characters.

Billy Unger is known for Lab Rats, Ant-Farm and Kickin‘ It.

Would Unger be a good pick for Spidey?

(reddit user art1deadpool did all the homework)

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