Big Director Rumored For DCEU

Peter Jackson Man of Steel 2 DCEU

Something huge could be in the works for the DCEU as it’s being a rumored a big director is in talks to direct a movie.

The rumor comes via Twitter, and it’s not said who the director is or for what movie, but the source of the information is apparently a writer out of Los Angeles. 

“Just heard a CRAZY rumor, we’ll see if true. About a big director in talks to direct a DCEUA film. Hope it’s true,” Twitter user Daniel R posted.

DCEU movies we can speculate that a “big director” might be attached to could be Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam, possibly David S. Goyer’s Green Lantern Corps or maybe Superman Man of Steel 2. Another possibility could be a Lobo movie, as Michael Bay was said to be in talks, or how about the Batgirl flick that Joss Whedon recently departed, or Justice League Dark?

Quentin Tarantino Green Lantern DCEU

Fans have been offering their suggestions, which includes Peter Jackson, Stephen Spielberg, Ridley Scott and Quentin Tarantino. 

Steven Spielberg recently directed Ready Player One for Warner Bros, which featured tons of DC Easter Eggs; Peter Jackson also directed the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies for WB; Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner flicks are also out of Warner Bros., and I believe Quentin Tarantino did Natural Born Killers for WB.

Update: Steven Spielberg is announced on DC’s Blackhawk.

Other names we can throw into the mix include Ron Howard, who currently has nothing on his plate following Han Solo; JJ Abrams was once attached to a Superman movie and has been rumored for Man of Steel 2, maybe Abrams is tackling it after Star Wars: Episode IX?; possibly David Fincher, or even Harry Potter director Chris Colombus?

Any guesses?

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