DC Movie Rumors Includes J.J Abrams For Man of Steel 2


A new batch of DC movie rumors has hit the net.

They come from 4 Chan so obviously take this with a grain of salt, but at least they’re rather fun.

We see J.J. Abrams is listed as a contender to do the second Superman Man of Steel 2 film. Abrams did write the Superman: Flyby script around 2002, plus he has had success reinventing the Star Trek and Star Wars’ franchises. Maybe Superman needs a reinvention as well?

Spider-Man director Sam Raimi is said to be up for Dwayne Johnson’s Shazam, which isn’t a bad choice at all. It’s possible Sam Raimi may want another crack at a superhero franchise following the disappointing Spider-Man 3, and also there is the fact that his Spider-Man 4 never got made.

George Miller, who was said to be directing Man of Steel 2, is listed as directing a New Gods movie. Miller is also rumored to be a producer on Justice League.

Gravity‘s Alfonso Cuaron is said to be in talks for the Green Lantern Corps movie. Cuaron also directed Children of Men and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

It’s said Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins may be directing Justice League 2, which would mean Zack Snyder wouldn’t be returning for the sequel.

The rumors also include a list of release dates for upcoming DC movies. Worth a mention is that a Cyborg movie is missing. It seems a majority of the rumors coming out of 4Chan seem to insinuate a Cyborg movie might be off the table; however, earlier yesterday saw the news that Cyborg is being included in Justice League and The Flash to increase interest in the character and the planned 2020 Cyborg movie.

The release dates list below also has Ben Affleck’s solo The Batman movie hitting in 2019, which may hold some merit as Affleck and Geoff Johns may be taking their time to get the script right.

Here is the full list of rumors (via Reddit):

• Top candidates to direct Man of Steel 2 are Doug Liman, J.J Abrams and Edgar Wright.

•  Top candidates to direct Shazam are Sam Raimi and Shawn Levy.

• New Gods will be directed by George Miller.

• Alfonso Cuaron is on talks to direct Green Lantern Corps.

• Patty Jenkins might direct Justice League II.

• David Ayer will direct Suicide Squad 2.

• Warner Bros will be making casting and film announcements for their films in early September.

• Ocean Master will be in Aquaman but Black Manta will be the main villain. Ocean Master is being saved for a later film.

• Deathstroke will be in Suicide Squad 2.

• Multiple TV shows that connect to the DCEU have been discussed. Titans and Secret Six are the top candidates.

Rumored DC movie release dates list:

Wonder Woman- June 2nd, 2017
Justice League- November 17th, 2017
The Flash- April 13th, 2018
Aquaman- July 27th, 2018
Man of Steel 2- October 5th, 2018
Shazam- April 5th, 2019
Batman- June 14th, 2019
Suicide Squad 2- November 1st, 2019
New Gods- April 3rd, 2020
Green Lantern Corps- July 24th, 2020
Justice League II- October 2nd, 2020

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