Avengers: Endgame Probably Won’t Beat Avatar At Box Office


Disney and Marvel Studios are re-releasing The Avengers: Endgame this weekend which contains a Stan Lee tribute, a Hulk deleted scene and a Spider-Man: Far From Home sneak peek. Currently, the flick is also about $25 million shy of the worldwide box office record held by James Cameron’s Avatar.

So will Endgame overcome Avatar?

It seems unlikely.

Avengers Endgame Avatar box office

Will The Avengers: Endgame beat James Cameron’s Avatar box office record?

Deadline posted a report questioning if it will happen where they offer it will probably be a stretch for Avengers: Endgame to overcome Avatar. While they spin things that Disney didn’t do the re-release to overtake Avatar, you can’t help but wonder with Endgame only being $25 million or so short that Disney was hoping to take the top spot.

Regarding why The Avengers: Endgame will come up sort, Deadline offers that James Cameron’s Avatar simply crushes Endgame in foreign markets, which is the major factor: France ($175.6M compared with $59.3M), Japan ($172M vs. $54.7M), Germany ($162.3M vs. $63M), Russia ($117M vs. $45.6M), Spain ($110M vs. $32.5M) and Italy ($83.5M vs. $33.8M).

The re-release for The Avengers: Endgame also isn’t making too much money, as it brought in around $1.864 million last night in the U.S. It would need similar numbers at almost two weeks more of release to make up the deficit.

Avengers: Endgame re-release

The Avengers: Endgame re-release isn’t any good

I’ll also add that the re-release of The Avengers: Endgame offers nothing new or exciting. When the re-release was initially reported, the click-bait shill sites reported it was coming with new footage, meaning new footage within the movie; however, it was eventually revealed there was no new footage and all that was included was a horrible CGI Hulk scene in addition to the Spider-Man: Far From Home preview not being very good.

Why bother spending 4 hours in the theater on a nice day to see a cruddy deleted scene? To boot, I’m not too interested in seeing any more of Captain Marvel, goofy Professor Hulk, Girl Power Avengers or fat and goofy Thor. The Avengers: Endgame just isn’t as good as Infinity War, IMO, which I’ve seen a half dozen times and can watch over and over and over. For me, The Avengers: Endgame has nowhere near the repeat viewability as Infinity War. I’m not going to spend four hours in the theater on a Summer weekend when I can go outside, go to a ball game, go fishing, or what have you. Now if The Avengers: Endgame actually featured new footage within the movie that was decent (like a cool Hulk-out scene)? Yeah. I probably would have gone and seen it.

Avengers Endgame vs Avatar

Avengers: Endgame vs Avatar

Regarding Avengers: Endgame vs Avatar, also bear in mind that the latter came out ten years ago, so inflation would be a factor and put Avatar even further away from Endgame. Avatar also has sold a lot more in ticket sales, I believe. Interestingly enough, with inflation a factor, the 1939 movie, Gone With The Wind, beats them all.

Check out the numbers:

The Avengers: Endgame box office:

Domestic: $837,645,161

Foreign: $1,916,163,533

Worldwide: $2,753,808,694

Avatar box office:

Domestic: $760,507,625

Foreign: $2,027,457,462

Worldwide: $2,787,965,087

Inflation factored in: $3,327,983,308.52

Gone With The Wind box office

Gone With The Wind box office:

Domestic: $200,852,579

Foreign: $201,500,000

Worldwide: $402,352,579

Inflation factored in: $7,412,897,601.53

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