Is Armie Hammer The New Batman?


It's again being said that Ben Affleck wants out of playing Batman.

The latest rumor comes from John Campea, who is known for a movie talk podcast around the net.

While Campea says to take the info with a grain of salt, Campea claims sources have filled him in that: "Ben Affleck, make no mistake, he wants out. He doesn’t want to be Batman anymore."

It's further said that Ben Affleck is trying to get out of his Batman contract, and that if he can't, The Batman will be his last movie.

Ben Affleck recently departed from directing The Batman movie, and it's also said Chris Terrio has rewritten the script. Matt Reeves is rumored to be directing, which might see The Batman movie taken in a different direction than what Ben Affleck had originally intended.

So if Ben Affleck is out, just who is in as the new Dark Knight?

I'm guessing Ben Affleck bailing on directing Batman (and possibly the role) didn't happen over night, and the same can be said for The Batman script getting rewritten–this has all been happening for weeks, if not months. I'm guessing Affleck wasn't at all happy with how Batman vs. Superman and even Suicide Squad was received, and Affleck might not even be happy with Justice League (rumored to have problems of its own), and obviously from the sound of things, Affleck may not be happy with The Batman. It's possible Ben Affleck might not want another "Daredevil" on his hands. 

That said, enter Armie Hammer.

Armie Hammer was actually up to play Batman in the 2008 defunct George Miller Justice League Mortal movie. The movie never got off the ground for various reasons, but it may be possible that Armie Hammer might get a second chance at playing Batman.

Rumors of Armie Hammer joining the DCEU started early December when it was learned the co-runner of the DC films Geoff Johns followed Hammer on Twitter, with fans speculating Armie Hammer might be playing Green Lantern. However, just maybe there was already internal talk of Ben Affleck leaving Batman, with Armie Hammer waiting in the wings to play the Caped Crusader.

While it's purely speculation at this point (via Reddit), Armie Hammer would probably be the best choice to take over the Batman role from Ben Affleck. For one, Armie Hammer was already set to play Batman; he's definitely got the look for both Bruce Wayne and stands at an imposing 6'5" for Batman (Affleck is 6' 4"), and Armie Hammer has worked with Superman Henry Cavill in The Man From UNCLE

It should be said that Ben Affleck stated he is still committed to the Batman as he previously released the following statement:

“There are certain characters who hold a special place in the hearts of millions. Performing this role demands focus, passion and the very best performance I can give. It has become clear that I cannot do both jobs to the level they require. Together with the studio, I have decided to find a partner in a director who will collaborate with me on this massive film. I am still in this, and we are making it, but we are currently looking for a director. I remain extremely committed to this project, and look forward to bringing this to life for fans around the world.”

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