Advanced Review: Talon #0


James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder team together again, this time they bring you the harrowing tale of Calvin Rose — Talon! The first brand new hero introduced into the “Bat family” in the DCnU!

From abused child to trained killer, Calvin Rose, has been raised to look for the worst in people in order to justify his actions. Unfortunately, all he has truly seen the entirety of his life are horrific events. It doesn’t take much for the Court of Owls to mold this young man into the perfect weapon and point him at any target they choose. But deep inside, there is a conscience that whispers to get out, to be free. A conscience that will forever set him at odds with the Court themselves!

A tragic and emotional tale, Talon, is a classic warrior’s story. One where the main character must shed the shackles that bind him in order to find his own path in the world; even though his freedom means an ever increasing threat from those that wish to use him for their own devious plans. Calvin Rose is a character that is never truly left to his own discretion, even his freedom is seen as a misdirection by other people. A choice that will force him to fight or die, but death will only place him back in the arms of those he so desperately wants to forget. So, for Calvin Rose, their is only the choice to fight and escape. The two things he has done all his life!

A fantastic tale and a great way to introduce a new book for the “Bat family.” The Third Wave isn’t quite upon us yet, but if the other books are half as good as this one, we’ll be in for one hell of a ride! 

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